Help me decide what type of sprayer I want

samedi 29 mars 2014

I have been going back and forth since fall trying to decide what type of sprayer would best suit my needs. I have some features in my mind that I want for sure(I think)but I need a guiding hand on making a final decision.

One thing that is holding me up is I am trying to be a diversified operation so I will be spraying quite a few different chemicals and rinsing out the sprayer is a real time consuming and pain to do. Some of the things I will be spraying is herbicide and insecticide on alfalfa, soybeans, burndown, and for grass hay things like remedy, grazon and milestone. Now those chemicals for grass hay are extremely dangerous to alfalfa and soybeans as y'all well know and I'm starting to wonder if it would be wise to have two for broadleaf crops and one for grass crops that way I could get by with less rinsing.....I'm scared to death some of the chemicals might not get rinsed out and could damage my alfalfa. I know there is going to be times when two or more different crops need to be sprayed at the same do y'all get around this issue?

I want to get a easy to use, good, accurate, and most importantly a safe sprayer but I don't want to spend a ton of money especially if it would be in my best interests to get two sprayers. What are some of the must haves and features for a sprayer to meet my criteria and not break the bank?

These are some of the things I think I want.


Pull type....for ease of hookup and I don't need a great big tractor to lift the weight of the filled sprayer.

Hydraulic fold booms

Automatic rate understanding is this will regulate the amount it needs to be pumping while my ground speed fluctuates.

I'm not sure what it is called but I have heard that there is something that will keep my booms level while going across a hill so ones not dragging in the dirt and the other 10 foot in the air.

Any opinions or other things I need to add to this list?

Thanks, Hayden

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