535 twine arm reset

vendredi 12 juin 2020

Deere 535, has a wrap system but I'm currently using string tie. Just finished first cutting. Sometimes the string tie wouldn't reset all the way. The twine arms are returning so if gives the appearance that it reset. Day 1, 27 of 28 bales did fine. On the last bale it didn't tie, I pulled the string multiple times and then got out and starting moving the arm around that the rope is attached to before it finally started working. Day 2 it worked around 75% of the time.


Here's what I noticed. I actually knew when it wasn't going to work because when it happens the flashing yellow light never gets triggered. The first time I would pull the string, the arms would actually move forward towards the tractor about a 1/2". So this tells me they didn't actually complete their cycle with the previous bale, not sure why though.


Here's a couple pictures, not sure if anything will stand out to anyone. This is what everything looks like with a bale in the baler at the point where it should have auto-tied but didn't.






535 twine arm reset

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