Korean Hay

dimanche 13 août 2017

I work at a Korean Company here in Michigan "LG Chemical" we make car batteries for hybrid and electric cars.  Anyways on Friday I was having "tea" with the CFO who is a Korean national.  The Korean nationals can only work/stay in the country for 2 years before having to return to Korea.  Anyways his english is not the best but we were having casual conversation and he asked what I liked to do outside of work.  We eventually started to talk about horses and hay and whatnot.  


He told me that in Korea they harvest the wheat and then the "straw" and they mix the straw with something and they feed that to animals.  He didn't explain it that great but I thought that was interesting. He said they do that because they don't have a lot of land to grow grass hay.  Any idea what they mix straw with?

Korean Hay

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