??? Fill in YOUR personal Stuff PLEASE

dimanche 23 mars 2014

Recently, we got a new guy come on board >>>> THANKS........Typically I go over to the "PROFILE" on that person to find out a bit more about them before I begin to reach out and shake hands. It's the same thing I do in person when making a new acquaintance. Think about it. When you have someone come into your home, HERE, do you kinda like to know something about them?????

Before writing this I looked at several just to be sure that perhaps this needed to be seen. Ol Baiju for instance has a great one with others lacking anything.

For me, filling out that profile says that one is not just part of the anonymous herd that feels they can say and do anything because NO ONE knows who or what they are. Again, we have a "special" place here and really appreciate one another. Yes, there are no rules but there are MANNERS that apply. Perhaps just the courtesy of defining a bit of who and what you are would help some of us really welcome YOU...........God bless.......Dennis

BUT HOW DO I FILL IN THE PROFILE????.........Perhaps someone can explain??????

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