Pursuit vs Butyrac for Alfalfa weed control

mardi 13 mai 2014

I talked to the place where I buy my chemicals today on what there opinion was on whether pursuit or butyrac would be better to use on my seedling alfalfa. I got a mixed opinion on which would be better.....one person said pursuit would be better and that butyrac would make the alfalfa curl up and look like I had sprayed 2,4d on it.....someone else said that for seedling alfalfa butyrac would be better because that pursuit would stunt the alfalfa for a week or two.

I have looked at the label for both and each will kill the weeds I have. The butyrac label was a bit confusing as there was nothing saying what the maximum amount per year you could apply and it said do not spray if the alfalfa is drought stressed( which it is now) but that rain within 7 to 10 days will increase chance of injury to crop. The label also said nothing about the minimum size the alfalfa needed to be before spraying while everything I read on the internet says 2nd trifoliate leaf before spraying. The pursuit label clearly says maximum rate of 6oz per year so if I use that now I will have to use something else later in the summer when I'm sure more pigweed will emerge.

Which should I use? I can't decide so I'm getting ready to flip a coin to make the decision.

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