Advice on last cut / frost date

lundi 29 septembre 2014

Hey guys need advice again. I've read about last cut and frost dates for alfalfa until I'm blue in the face and still have no idea of what to do. Here is the facts in my situation. For starters we wldnt be debating what to do but we are in need of the hay for our personal use. The field of alfalfa was planted last fall about this time so its essentially 1 year old. I took the 5th cutting on sept 4. Our average 1st frost date is Oct 23. Obviously if I didn't need the hay I wldnt cut it. If I have to get by without cutting then so be it as I do not want to harm the stand. But from you guys that know how bad are the risk of taking one last cut this late? We do not have snow cover if anything we get a few ice storms each winter otherwise our winters are typically mild with average lows in the high 20's with an occasional "extreme to us" low dipping into the teens. Weather is supposed to be in the low 80's for the next few days so I could cut, but from lack of knowledge I'm deff worried of what to do.

Advice on last cut / frost date

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