RTV x1100 Tranny Adjustment

mercredi 27 février 2019

So I have two x1100 at my place right now.

With one, when it is pushed hard the tranny is very positive and will really bogg the engine down.

With the other, it does not bog down much going up hills etc, just slows down speed wise.

Anyone know what the adjustment would be on the tranny to make them behave differently from eathother?

RTV x1100 Tranny Adjustment

BHT-2 Discount

  Just picked up an Agratronix BHT-2 moisture tester for under $300 at Megadepot for anyone looking to buy one. Not sure whether its just for February.

BHT-2 Discount

Back Up Camera

I've been kicking around the idea of installing a back up camera on a tractor. I think it will help alleviate chronic muscle flare ups from turning so much. I plan to set up with a main camera in the cab angled to watch headers. Maybe put secondarys on balers focusing on knotters or twine balls. The price spectrum is wide, for example a Pyle is $80+, RVS is $150-250+, with other brands running above $400 with similar features. Reviews are sporadic and I want real experience reviews. I can't find who actually manufactures the components and many of the video cables are not interchangeable. Then one reviewer will say excellent picture and another will say horrible.

I plan on wiring to my power supply port by the steering column and using RAM mounts so right there I'll have about $80 tied up. I really wanted to stay as low as I can price wise but I want one with a vibrantly clear picture as it will be mounted on a front column, approximately 2.5' from my nose.

Features I want:
Minimum 7" screen, 9" would be better but $
For now I want a single camera with ability to use 2 or more.
Ability to alternate cameras on monitor, ability to alternate mirror image.
Sunshade (seems to be a good concept)
Wired Cameras (no wireless)
I don't want the distance lines so ability to shut that off.
Maybe a remote? Not a deal breaker.

Need some help navigating. What do y'all have?

Back Up Camera

Fly Control

lundi 25 février 2019

Last year I did not do any type of fly control and it cost me.  This year I want to do something. 


What do you guys use for fly control? 


I see that one can use tags in the ear, or something that is put in those mineral tubs, what works the best?

Fly Control

JD 530 Baler twine arms not moving

dimanche 24 février 2019

Looking for some help with my JD 530 baler.  Last year I had trouble with the twine arm not moving and I replaced the twine pump which cured the problem...for awhile.  Late last year I started to bale and the twine arm would not move and I ended up having to ask the neighbor to bale the hay I had cut.  So I am trying to get the baler running before the cutting season starts.  I removed the high pressure line from the twine arm cylinder and engaged the twine pump and it shot out a good stream of fluid so I am thinking the pump is working okay.  I figured maybe the hydraulic cylinder might be shot so I started to remove it and got the bolt side out and I was going to swing the arm over to gain better access to the pin on the gear attached to the other end of the cylinder.  However, I am unable to move either arm (twine arm or twine driving gear arm) attached to the two driving gears.  Once the cylinder is loose, should I be able to move the arms fairly easily?  I know the two arm gears are engaged but the gear attached to the cylinder side does not move at all.  Thanks!!

JD 530 Baler twine arms not moving

Dry hay wrapped?

Can you store dry round bale hay for horses by tube wrapping or individually wrapping?

Dry hay wrapped?

Kubota RTV x900 seems like something's holding it back while driving

samedi 23 février 2019

Well Kubota is in drive it feels like the brakes are on or something is holding it back while driving. Lifted the rear end up tires seem to spin freely in neutral but when I start it and put it in gear while the rear end is in the air and give it gas it just seems like something's holding it it doesn't want to go fast at all.When you're driving it and you let off the gas it feels like it wants to throw you out the front window. please help .

Kubota RTV x900 seems like something's holding it back while driving

Kubota RTV x900 seems like something's holding it back while driving

Well Kubota is in drive it feels like the brakes are on or something is holding it back while driving. Lifted the rear end up tires seem to spin freely in neutral but when I start it and put it in gear while the rear end is in the air and give it gas it just seems like something's holding it it doesn't want to go fast at all.When you're driving it and you let off the gas it feels like it wants to throw you out the front window. please help .

Kubota RTV x900 seems like something's holding it back while driving

Tracks what was it

Saw these tracks when we got up this morning right off the side porch of the house. What are they?

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Tracks what was it

United Farm Tools Fertilizer Spreader





Looking for any information / personal experience if these were good spreaders and what issues I should look for other than the normal corrosion. As far as parts I would think I can source them from different manufactures. Have been unable to come up with an online owners manual to do further research on them. I know this company is long gone though not sure how long. 


Would like to know time frame for being built and capacity. It looks to be around 5 ton. 

United Farm Tools Fertilizer Spreader

3 pth field sprayer recommendations

vendredi 22 février 2019

Thinking of buying a 3 pth field sprayer with a 500- 600 gallon tank (s) and 60' - 80' hyd fold boom.  Anyone have a brand they prefer?  Lots of choices out there.

3 pth field sprayer recommendations

Impeller conditioner with oat hay

jeudi 21 février 2019

I have a chance to buy a used Krone mower conditioner, that seems to be in good shape. The mower has an impeller conditioner. My experience is with either no conditioner or with rolls. I bale mostly oat and coastal bermuda hay and due to being in Texas can get by with no conditioner. My question is how will the impeller conditioner work in oats. I am concerned that if the oats are a little more mature than optimal, the impeller conditioner might shatter them. I would appreciate any input.

Impeller conditioner with oat hay

February 2019 New Product Roll-out.

mercredi 20 février 2019

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike



February 2019 New Product Roll-out.

Net wrap performance

I have never been satisfied with the Vermeer baler I have when it comes to the amount of bales that the net doesn't give full coverage to. In an afternoon of say 100 bales there will be a minimum of 2 or 3 bales that are missing a 4" strip or more, sometimes almost no wrap on a bale at all. It is noticeably worse when doing wet hay. Just wondering how other balers are performing for the rest of you guys out there.

Net wrap performance

Wet weather tractor

This tractor just might be on my shopping list if this rain pattern continues:







Wet weather tractor

acceptable broken Bale number with a thrower

mardi 19 février 2019

Obviously the best answer will be none but I'm curious... I use a 268 New Holland with a 54a thrower and I break maybe 3 to 4 bales per rack. I can hear the belt squeak right before it breaks so I assume something's out of whack. I have a operator's manual coming in the mail. The manual I had ordered before it was an assembly manual it didn't do me much good. It's to the point that it's not much fun baling because I don't know what's going to happen. It's fine Baling when everything works the way it should and a broken Bale is a very odd and far between issue. I enjoy raking hay because issues very seldom happen balings always kind of a sitting on pins and needles ordeal.

acceptable broken Bale number with a thrower

Moisture Testing During Baling

  Probably been discussion on this topic but would like some clarification on moisture that I`m not seeing. OK, we`ve got our BHT-2 tester, a baler mounted applicator with buffered propionic acid, 2 spray nozzles and we are baling along in 15-16% hay and we get into some 18-19% hay and we want to treat hay now, so we turn on product to spray.That`s easy part, but if you start spraying on preservative as a liquid, won`t that throw your moisture readings way up on your tractor monitor? How would you know when actual hay moisture drops to a percentage below your 18% threshold and not neccessarily need preservative? Probably an automatic system adjusts for this, but not interested in their price. I see a lot of guys using this more manual system, so am I not seeing something with the BHT-2, maybe the offset adjustment?

Moisture Testing During Baling

Trace Minerals

What are your views on trace minerals for cattle?  Is it worth the extra cost?  

Trace Minerals

Small Square Bale Grapple on Telehandlers

lundi 18 février 2019

Too much rainy weather = winter farming    :)


So, those of you with telehandlers, what kind of hydraulic set up works to use a grapple?  Need two functions with separate levers:  one to rotate;  one to open/close claws.  


Appreciate hearing what works, what doesn't.




Small Square Bale Grapple on Telehandlers

Disc frozen in the ground

I am buying a 10 ft IH disc but it was left sitting on the dirt in a pole barn and is sunk about 2 inches into the ground.  The barn looks like it gets alot of water in it and the disc is frozen solid to the ground.  The guy I am buying it from tried to pull it out with a 100 HP 4WD tractor and it wouldn't budge.  It just spun the wheels.  He said he could get it out of the ground with his loader tractor once he got the snow cleared to get back to the barn.  He said he could have it out in the next day or so.  Anyone ever have this issue?  Will the loader pop it out of the ground or bend the frame or something else?  Any suggestions?  It's a solid disc and seems to be in good shape so I hate to see it damaged.

Disc frozen in the ground

Long hours too much?

It sure seems to be the common problem of lack of help. I have the same issue. I have read through a lot of past treads on here and articles in papers, and it is just to much work in agriculture it seems. When did the pride of working on a farm or ranch get lost, or just pride in whatever work you do? It is so sad that this is happening. Too many hand outs it seems. I think life was better when a big tractor was 123 hp, and hee haw was on tv. Yes it takes some long hours some days, but other days you can watch it rain and lightning!

A friend of mine offered his summer help 2 dollars more an hour if he would leave his phone at the house. The help couldn't do it. So sad that people have got addicted to being in touch with the world at all times of the day! I do use a phone, mostly out of service, but for taking pictures of parts to send to the parts man!!

Is there any one left that enjoys haying? I have nice equipment and would like to find some one how wants to see my part of the world, and hay on a bigger scale. Round bales, raking, mowing, leveling gopher mounds, maybe even dirt work. I might even start this year by putting up some loose hay with the farm hand, just to get an early start before leaving home. I keep my hands in a lot of jobs. Going to run 60 ft of air drill too. I am learning just how much I can do. Maybe you want to pack your tractor and bags and come out? Haha... but seriously think about it! The phone rings non stop at the start of haying season. Hope everyone had a good season last year, get ready for this one!

Long hours too much?

Looking to buy 4x5 round baler with twine & net, can bale with dew.

Hey Farmers, 

We have an older JD 335 round baler that has worked fantastic over the years (knock on wood).  Only issue is the feed clogs up when there is the tiniest bit of moisture on the hay.  So there's no baling hay after 5pm here in the Appalachian mountains.  I've talked to others that have 335s and other balers, and they say the same thing.  So, time to look for something different.  

Used JD - NH - Vermeer - ??.  Claas, Krone and Vermeer dealers aren't close, but not off the table.
Looking for a 4x5 that can do Net or twine.  Can do baylage but does not have knives.    


I'm familiar with the JD line, but none of the other brands.  Thanks for any comments.

Looking to buy 4x5 round baler with twine & net, can bale with dew.

Aids for hooking up attachment to JD fel quick connect?

Okay, some of you can do this in your sleep, others can do so with eyes closed. I fit way down the ability to, need some help.  The ideal way for me would be able to see the top attachment from tractor seat but too much hood for me to. I have considered adding angle iron on an angle to the outside of both attachment points on the implement to help line up the implement with the fel. The two pieces of angle iron would for a inverted "V".      No doubt there are other solutions. 

Aids for hooking up attachment to JD fel quick connect?

Opinions on Haybuster 107 drills

dimanche 17 février 2019

There are a few of these drills for sale on auctions and dealers nearby what’s the good bad and ugly on them . I would be notilling into sod and doing some interseeding mostly Timothy and Orchard grass. I have fairly level ground only one hill field mostly clay soils with some rocks. I would like to get away from tilling up level fields and picking rocks.

Opinions on Haybuster 107 drills

Best Burndown?

Probably geared a little more toward the grain guy's but what's the best complete burndown you've used? how long was the residual or did you add something to enhance this? mix and application rate?

Best Burndown?

Need head and head gasket for massey 1540 3cyl diesel

samedi 16 février 2019

Need head and head gasket for massey 1540 3cyl diesel. anywhere other than the dealer?

Need head and head gasket for massey 1540 3cyl diesel

Rtv 500 - unknown piece???

I have an RTV 500 2012 and just noticed something dangling off the back. I recently just purchased the unit (used) and don’t know what it is hah. Nor where it should be attached.

Rtv 500 - unknown piece???

streaming 28 precent

Think I want to use 75lb. actual per acre on OG and fescue hay ground .  Get a more uniform coverage vs dry . Should off set some of the extra cost .

 Have you tried using 28 ?  Did it work out well ?  Thank you rj

streaming 28 precent

Another Step

I've taken another step to produce quality hay.  I took advantage of the show sale discount by Shoups. Any advice on mounting or using would be welcomed.



Another Step

Farmhand Feedmaster

vendredi 15 février 2019

I have what I think is a Farmhand Feedmaster F81-B Grinder.  We have the vertical auger inside the tub that is seized up.  I am not sure what I am getting into.  Has anyone take one of these things apart?  Does anyone happen to have a parts manual laying around?KIMG0571.JPG KIMG0572.JPG KIMG0573.JPG KIMG0574.JPG



Farmhand Feedmaster

Loose sprocket

jeudi 14 février 2019

Replacing sprockets on New Holland 195 spreader chain from bottom beater drives top beater.. inch and a 1.25" shaft ...slide sprocket on shaft and it's just a smidget loose not that it wobbles or anything and you cannot physically see wear , you can measure just a smidge it with the calipers and I'd like it that the Sprocket was like a driven on fit. I don't think we need this line bored accuracy, so I'm wondering what would your preferred method be to fix this something I could do in my shop tomorrow and not disassemble a lot and send it out to a machine shop

Loose sprocket

2019 Haying & Farming Pictures

Starting off the 2019 picture series. Taking advantage of frozen ground doing some pasture cleaning removing thorn trees. Grapple is not just for round bales.

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2019 Haying & Farming Pictures

2006 RTV900 Starting Issue

mardi 12 février 2019

Hi everyone,

I have seen some similar issues here to what I am having but nothing in the fixes from the other threads seems to fix the issue. Also, upfront if anyone has a pdf of the service manual (or where to get one) that would be a great help!

When I turn the key all the lights come on, one more click glow plugs come on, then to "start" sometimes it starts sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it starts on the second try, sometimes it's the 50th. Sometimes you move the gear handle from neutral to gear and back and it will start, sometimes moving the e-brake does it. Basically, nothing seems to trigger it to start consistently.

I have replaced the starter, it has a new neutral safety switch and I cleaned and tested the ignition switch as well (all good). I tightened and checked all the battery connections (battery is new) also.

The only weird thing is that with the neutral switch unplugged it won't start at all BUT it also appears that the relay for that switch is missing (if I am right it is the furthest one to the passenger side on the mount?).

I am about to either;

a)jump the neutral switch or,
b) replace the ignition, starter relay, safety relay (which isn't even there now)

I am happy to replace whatever needs to be replaced but this issue REEKS of an electrical gremlin that I am just not able to chase down... every time I think I get it fixed it rears its head again.

Up for any and all thoughts here! Again, love the forum and thanks in advance for the help!

2006 RTV900 Starting Issue

Cattle Lost


Cattle Lost


We are wondering what kind of accumulators are being used out there on this site? We are using the Bale Caddie 1200 system and was there anyone else using this particular accumulator and grabber? We are so pleased with its performance and simplicity and would appreciate feedback on any brand.


"Rollin Cornstalks"

Gearclash and his roller,nice article


"Rollin Cornstalks"

Hay stocks report


Hay stocks report

Another new rtv owner

lundi 11 février 2019

Well guys, I finally did it. I ordered a new 1100C unit from our local dealer.
Since this is probably the last SXS I will ever need or buy, I decided to add a few upgrades to top it off.
LED light bar, 14" wheels, 28" tires, and a winch. Should be set for life.

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Another new rtv owner

Spraying smooth brome

samedi 9 février 2019

Maybe some of you like smooth broke, but it has a small window of feed value in my part of the world. I am looking for something that will kill it. Ideally I would graze late or hay early, spray it, then plant millet or something for a fall crop to hay or graze. Any ideas on what works the best would be great! Also any ideas on Kentucky blue grass? I like it in a mix, but some places it has choked everything out. Thanks.

Spraying smooth brome


My IH 574 has this inline heater. Anyone know where to get a replace t at a decent price

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Next-gen Grasses And Legumes.

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike



Next-gen Grasses And Legumes.

Biggest round baler in the world rolls a 5600 lb bale

Massive new round baler rolls it's first bale - 5600 lbs.




Some build info.



From the facebook post:


Regardless of opinions, the machine worked. The bale weighed 5600 lbs. 9 ft x 9 ft.
So let's clear some things up.
*Yes it's over width- doesn't matter in our area
* It will be loaded single wide (don't know why anyone would even consider 2 wide)
* We are not concerned with shipping weight at this time, high efficiency in the field will pay for lost efficiency in short hauls trucking
* The truck driver is excited as well
*No a 4020 and loader will not handle them
* No a garden tractor will not pull it
*Large wheel loaders will be used to load em
*The machine weighs less than a new 2370 UXD
* It is very competitive loaded weight as any 4x4 baler
* Yes it is still heavy, less trips in the field is still less compaction, they do make bigger tires.....
* Yes it will take some hp, but if you didn't notice, a 195 hp tractor just baled the biggest bale ever!
*It will fit in a grinder tub, Maybe not yours. Any difficulty processing this bale will not stop forward movement with the project. We will find and manufacture what ever we need. The grinders are waiting at home.
* If you have never baled corn stalks you won't understand
*If you bale under 10,000 tons per year you probably don't need this baler
* If you bale 50k ton you are probably interested in the idea
*Correct, it doesn't fit most markets, it's not built for all markets
* Is it expensive, (dumb question), go price any new big square baler
* How do we stack em, single rows most likely but really not concerned about any stacking issues.
* Did I mention we will build a huge stack truck as well probably the biggest as well....
* You can see it in Texas soon...
* Find it and updates at born2farm and Favor 5 Ag Innovations
*It is the biggest change of bale size since 1974-78 with the production of the 4x4
*We probably didn't build it for you if don't like it so don't buy it.
*Opinions are great but you ain't paying the bill.
I hope this covers most questions and concerns. Keeping following our pages for updates. Thanks to those who support us.
DID I MENTION the hay industry just produced the BIGGEST BALE EVER. Can we all just be proud of that????
Thanks again 
TJ Steele

Biggest round baler in the world rolls a 5600 lb bale

RTV900XT Front Propeller Shaft CV Joint

vendredi 8 février 2019

Hello All.

Tried to search this subject, but search option wouldn't allow time to enter subject.

So, I'm hear a new noise while traveling. Crawled under while NOT traveling and shook the from prop. shaft near the front cv joint. Seems loose to me.

Who's performed repairs to the prop. shaft. The big K only sells the complete assembly at $590 or a boot assembly at $80. Complete gravel road robbery!

Haven't found any non-OEM mtg that have these parts.

My desire is to only replace CV joint (s). Any ideas?

RTV900XT Front Propeller Shaft CV Joint

Has anyone Tedded with a rake?

jeudi 7 février 2019

Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has had any luck tedding grass hay with a single rotor rake? Spent all my pennies on a new rake so although a tedder is in the future, for now I will have to do what I can with the rake. Any lessons appreciated.

Has anyone Tedded with a rake?

316 john deere

I have a 316 with a kohler whats it worth.Only a one year model I can not bring myself to sell for parts.This would be a good tractor for a collector. JOE

316 john deere

Parts for a Kverneland rotory rake

Anybody know where you can get parts for a Kverneland rake? Can't find even a dealer in the US.


Parts for a Kverneland rotory rake

John Deere 435 round baler twine arm cylinder

I have a 90's model 435 round baler bought new. I noticed last time we rolled hay the twine arms, when returning back to cut twine the arms were jerking real bad. Changed fluid and filter in pump, still jerking bad. It will put an extra amount of twine on that side of the bale. As far back as i can remember we have not had any problems with the cylinder or pump, all original. Can someone on here steer me in the right direction to check first to figure out what I may need. As old as this baler is I may need to replace both the pump and cylinder. Everything functions and cycles as it should as far as I can tell it will make a roll but just wanting to get the bugs out before this hay season. 


Thanks Donny

John Deere 435 round baler twine arm cylinder

Shoe horn? Lube?

mercredi 6 février 2019


7410, bar axles, 42 bales at a time. 15 trips in and out and he only scraped the paint a few times. He would have been in trouble if it would have broke down inside, guess he would have to wait patiently until I figured out how to drag him out.

Shoe horn? Lube?

Big bales in a small barn

mardi 5 février 2019

We've got an old dairy barn with ~50 tie stalls where Dad's raising steers and dairy heifers. Right now they're being fed conventionally, as they have been since the 1970's, with an upright silo and small square bales of dry hay.


There are two rows of stalls, but tail-to-tail. To further complicate matters, one manger is only about 3-1/2' wide. If the stalls were nose-to-nose, or the manger just a foot wider, no problem...  Remodeling the barn is out of the question as it is simply not cost effective.


I'm buying a round baler this spring. The plan is to roll the hay up and see if I can get what we don't need on trucks headed somewhere else in the country that does need it and might actually pay for it.


What I'd like to do is get away from the silo (completely) and small squares (to some extent), and figure out a way to get round bales, both wet and dry, on the menu.


The key is it can NOT be labor-intensive, and has to be reliable and robust. I'm looking for something small scale that can take the output of a bale unroller, chew it up, and dump it into a conveyor, which drops it into electric feed carts for distribution to the cattle.


Anything existing for this kind of job? Ideas of something I could build or repurpose?

Big bales in a small barn

Fertilizer Values In Hay.

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike



Fertilizer Values In Hay.

Fertilizer Values In Hay.

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike



Fertilizer Values In Hay.

Fertilizer Values In Hay.

Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike



Fertilizer Values In Hay.


lundi 4 février 2019

I am selling my electric lift actuator that came with my Curtis plow. I have converted to hydraulic and the actuator is in good working condition.
$250 + shipping or free pickup in Minneapolis. It is heavy but may fit in a Flat Rate Large box.

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4440 power shift reverse

Was looking at buying a 78 jd 4440 powershift.   When you put it in R1 the tractor wont move.  When you start in R2 the tractor moves and then you can drop it in R1 and the R1 works fine.  Man said this is how he bought it 25 yrs ago and has always been like this.  Is this a tractor to shy away from or could this be just a linkage problem? thanks

4440 power shift reverse

Hay Preservative

dimanche 3 février 2019

I know there is another thread running close to this topic but, I didnt want to highjack someone else's thread. 


Over the years my round bale customer base has grown mainly with horse customers. Volume customers are still cow farmers but I have more horsey customers who buy in smaller quantities but total volume is about equal to cow folks.  I have worked hard over the years to improve the quality of hay I produce and I am always looking to what I can do next to continue to improve.  Especially since I have picked up so many horsey folks.


Here in sunny SC making dry hay is usually not a problem.  In fact I don't know that I knew there was such a thing as hay preservative until I found this forum.  You just don't see it here. A few things have made me think about adding preservative to my operation:


I am going to walk the slippery slope of making dry ryegrass hay this spring.  I know from past experience this can be hard to do even here in SC.  I would feel better about making ryegrass hay with preservative.

I have noticed some of the round bales I made late last season are dusty now.  I checked these bales with a hand held and I thought they were fine.

I talked to farmercline about his experiences and he recommended a dry preservative.  I liked what he had to say, but when I checked on the cost of the application system I was taken back a bit.


I would like to hear from some others folks here  in the southeast making grass hay.  Are you using preservative? If so, what are you using? How often are you applying, (early & late in the season or all the time)?


One thing I am doing is adding a moisture meter to my balers.  Getting in and out of the tractor to check bales with a hand held has gotten old.  Also, since being on this forum, I now realize how much conditions change during the day.  


Sorry for the long post. But I would appreciate any feedback.

Hay Preservative

Skeleton conveyor.

Do any of you guys take a skeleton conveyor on deliveries? I have several places that I have to cary bales a little ways because I cant get my trailer all the way into the barn where I'm stacking. Normally a big deal but the places I'm talking about are 300 bale deliveries. I'm thinking about getting one and storing it under the deck on my gooseneck. Thoughts?

Skeleton conveyor.

Engine runaway with clouds of black smoke.


Not been here for a while. But, I have a problem that's got me puzzled.

My RTV (2004) started fine (temperature about -2F) and was left to warm up while I did some quick tasks in the barn. It started to make an odd noise and when I looked down the barn aisle, there was so much black smoke I thought something was on fire.

What I discovered was the engine running at what sounded like maximum rpm making an incredible cloud of black smoke. I turned the key off but it had no effect. Tried turning the key off several times. In desperation I raised the bed and tried the throttle connection on the fuel pump but moving that had no effect on the engine's operation. As a last ditch effort to get it shut down before something worse happened, I used the pliers on my leatherman to squeeze the rubber fuel line which shut it down after a few seconds.

At this point I've no idea what caused this behavior. Have any of you seen it?


Engine runaway with clouds of black smoke.

Mobile baler shelter

Thought this was a "unique" solution to an age old problem.

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Mobile baler shelter

Flail Mower roller died on me!

samedi 2 février 2019

Flail mower side pulley pic.JPG Flail Mower-bushing-roller.JPG Bush Hog Turf 5' roller took a dump yesterday, not sure why except bearings wore out. Of course the roller end took a lot of damage.Anybody else have this issue in past. Not sure why except I treated it as a bush hog around my trees to chew up small sticks and old pecans. I am sure it will be a pretty penny to replace hope there is a company local area. But of course this happened after it ate my cell phone. Told wife this is why my phone stays in shop and not my pant pockets. Thanks

Flail Mower roller died on me!

M&W Baler hay sloppy on end

Still learning with this baler during the season, Solved earlier problems from this site and appreciate the help. Bales where loose and not trying on one end (occ the other end sloppy but better) Left side/passenger side of hay bale just will not tighten that far as the other side. The limiter is as far to right as possible, simple unloosen the wing nut and it moves but it is in the last hole. As far as the looseness I did tighten the 2 twine spring units but of course I was done baling last year so I will play with that this year. Thanks

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  • Hay Rolled bad left side.JPG

M&W Baler hay sloppy on end

WTB - '05 RTV 900 tailgate

vendredi 1 février 2019

Hi all,

Been lurking here for a while and this is a GREAT forum, has saved my wallet many times with my RTV.

That being said, I crunched my tailgate on the hitch receiver while dumping a load of manure. Looking to buy one, doesn't need to be nice just straight with no major damage/rust. We are located in Central Oregon. Thanks!

WTB - '05 RTV 900 tailgate

Synthetic Oil in Disc Mower Cutter Bar/Gearbox

I recently purchased a one year old John Deere (Kuhn) disc mower. I plan to change the oil/grease in the cutter bar and gear box before cutting this year. I am wondering if anyone is running synthetic oil and if you have seen any benefits or problems? The manual calls for SAE 80W-90 with API service classification GL-5. 

Synthetic Oil in Disc Mower Cutter Bar/Gearbox

Bull nurses on cow...

So a little back story. Last year I had posted a question about a bull throwing crappy calves being Grounds For culling. He wasn't really the friendliest bull, he had horns, and he nursed on an old Hereford cow that we have. So this last fall he got a one way ticket to vacation. And then this December I bought a nice shorthorn bull little less than 2 years old. This morning leaving for work I look in the pen and I noticed now he's nursing on that Hereford... I don't want to get rid of him he's a nice bull both in temperament and looks but how do I break these guys of nursing on this one particular cow. She's the last cow from my mom's herd she always gives a nice calf. So she's kind of sentimental and she pays for herself. I've heard putting a ring in the Bull's nose might help. Any suggestions? Having this happen with two bulls on the same cow it's kind of bizarre to me.

Bull nurses on cow...