Long hours too much?

lundi 18 février 2019

It sure seems to be the common problem of lack of help. I have the same issue. I have read through a lot of past treads on here and articles in papers, and it is just to much work in agriculture it seems. When did the pride of working on a farm or ranch get lost, or just pride in whatever work you do? It is so sad that this is happening. Too many hand outs it seems. I think life was better when a big tractor was 123 hp, and hee haw was on tv. Yes it takes some long hours some days, but other days you can watch it rain and lightning!

A friend of mine offered his summer help 2 dollars more an hour if he would leave his phone at the house. The help couldn't do it. So sad that people have got addicted to being in touch with the world at all times of the day! I do use a phone, mostly out of service, but for taking pictures of parts to send to the parts man!!

Is there any one left that enjoys haying? I have nice equipment and would like to find some one how wants to see my part of the world, and hay on a bigger scale. Round bales, raking, mowing, leveling gopher mounds, maybe even dirt work. I might even start this year by putting up some loose hay with the farm hand, just to get an early start before leaving home. I keep my hands in a lot of jobs. Going to run 60 ft of air drill too. I am learning just how much I can do. Maybe you want to pack your tractor and bags and come out? Haha... but seriously think about it! The phone rings non stop at the start of haying season. Hope everyone had a good season last year, get ready for this one!

Long hours too much?

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