Back Up Camera

mercredi 27 février 2019

I've been kicking around the idea of installing a back up camera on a tractor. I think it will help alleviate chronic muscle flare ups from turning so much. I plan to set up with a main camera in the cab angled to watch headers. Maybe put secondarys on balers focusing on knotters or twine balls. The price spectrum is wide, for example a Pyle is $80+, RVS is $150-250+, with other brands running above $400 with similar features. Reviews are sporadic and I want real experience reviews. I can't find who actually manufactures the components and many of the video cables are not interchangeable. Then one reviewer will say excellent picture and another will say horrible.

I plan on wiring to my power supply port by the steering column and using RAM mounts so right there I'll have about $80 tied up. I really wanted to stay as low as I can price wise but I want one with a vibrantly clear picture as it will be mounted on a front column, approximately 2.5' from my nose.

Features I want:
Minimum 7" screen, 9" would be better but $
For now I want a single camera with ability to use 2 or more.
Ability to alternate cameras on monitor, ability to alternate mirror image.
Sunshade (seems to be a good concept)
Wired Cameras (no wireless)
I don't want the distance lines so ability to shut that off.
Maybe a remote? Not a deal breaker.

Need some help navigating. What do y'all have?

Back Up Camera

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