Moisture Testing During Baling

mardi 19 février 2019

  Probably been discussion on this topic but would like some clarification on moisture that I`m not seeing. OK, we`ve got our BHT-2 tester, a baler mounted applicator with buffered propionic acid, 2 spray nozzles and we are baling along in 15-16% hay and we get into some 18-19% hay and we want to treat hay now, so we turn on product to spray.That`s easy part, but if you start spraying on preservative as a liquid, won`t that throw your moisture readings way up on your tractor monitor? How would you know when actual hay moisture drops to a percentage below your 18% threshold and not neccessarily need preservative? Probably an automatic system adjusts for this, but not interested in their price. I see a lot of guys using this more manual system, so am I not seeing something with the BHT-2, maybe the offset adjustment?

Moisture Testing During Baling

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