I've had my property baled for the last 8 years, and plan to start doing it myself this year. Not looking to make a big profit, but need it done on my schedule due to using property for other things. About 100 acres of it can be cut for hay, but it has some rough bottom land, small ditches to cross and plenty of nasty Honey locust trees that I'll eventually try to kill off, that I have to negotiate around. I have a older 65 HP tractor, and just bought a used 18 Deere 6105E cab tractor.

Now I need to focus on getting a cutter, baler and rake. I'll be doing this while working a full time job for at least another 2 years, after that I'd like to pick up more work, but could probably upgrade some equipment then. I'd really like to try to stay in a budget range of around $20k-28k for all 3 pieces of equipment. What would you suggest allocating for each? I'm east of Dallas, so I have most of the dealers near me, Deere and NH seem to be the biggest and easiest to deal with in this area, and I tend to lean towards green just because I have a Deere tractor and CTL, they are the closest, and there is a Deere field tech very close.
Baler- I'm hoping to find a 4x6, or maybe 4x5 net baler. So far I've mostly looked at and researched Deere 467, 468 and 469 balers. My last hay guy had a 460, and he seemed to still clog it up pretty good, so should a silage be considered? Bottom land tends to get really thick before it's dry enough to cut/bale. I really need something simple, durable and not overly complicated for a new operator. I'd consider any brand.
Cutter- I'm a little more undecided on this. I'd love to get a trailed disc cutter, but my current budget might have me getting by with a 3 pt 9' disc cutter for at least this year. I assume for my tractor/grass (mostly bermuda, Johnson grass and weeds, I think, but if the bottom doesn't get cut early enough, giant ragweed starts taking over) I'd need a 9'-10' 3pt or a 10'-12' trailed cutter, and if I get a conditioner, I'd really only probably need a flail type? Recommendations? Not so much brand, but size and type? My last hay guy has still not pulled his burned tractor/mower off the property, I've considered making an offer on the mower. I think it would need all new hydraulic lines, elec line, and gear box seals.

Rake- really have done little research yet. I assume it would be a 8-10 wheel rake for now with my budget, in the $2k-$4k range used.

my last hay delivery this year.
Baler, disc cutter and rake