Straw market opportunities

mercredi 15 janvier 2020

The last few years have been, let’s just say less than stellar for making hay, corn, straw, you name it. Been trying to find a load or two of straw bales for bedding. None. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. I heard of a dairy north of me a ways buying cardboard and shredding it. Of course my mind goes back to the fact I love raising oats and maybe I might find myself a little niche to fill a gap. Of course if I’m thinking it, so is everyone else but most don’t like the fact oats doesn’t pencil like corn, but it would be fine for me as the field I’d plant it in needs tile so it’d be the perfect opportunity.

Anyone else notice straw or bedding in general is in short supply, and has been for a couple years actually?

Straw market opportunities

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