Start up question

mardi 7 janvier 2020

  I am in the process of selling my house so I can buy some property, raise cattle, and otherwise enjoy country life. The first 2 - 3 years would be strictly for my freezer and to see if I like the lifestyle change as much as I think I will.
  Since my primary source of income allows me to work from home 100% of the time I am able to move anywhere in the country, but I am currently looking at the Montana/Idaho/Eastern Washington area. Primarily because it is beautiful country and it would be a drastic change from South Texas where I currently live. 
  This past weekend I drove out to a local cattle ranchers place and talked to him about the realities of raising cattle in terms of costs, day to day tasks, etc. When I mentioned to him I was thinking the Northwest, specifically Montana, he shivered at the thought and started talking about the extreme cold and how it was a very challenging environment. When I asked him where he would choose based mainly on weather, but taking into consideration land prices he thought Northeast Texas or Southeast Oklahoma.
  I would like to pose the same question to the experienced cattle ranchers here. Where would you choose? I will be posting the same question on a couple of other forums to try and get the question exposed to a diverse group of people.
Thanks in advance,

Start up question

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