No Till Drill - Need Your Experienced Advice

mercredi 8 janvier 2020

So, our experience with no till drills is limited to the Haybuster conservation office rentals.  Needless to say that is why we haven't gotten on board with no tilling.  We've lightly disked and used conventional drill and most recently completely re-seeded grass stands.  At that time our timothy would only survive one year but it for whatever reason it is looking like we could just interseed -- thus no till entering the picture.


Anybody add a no till coulter cart to a pull type IH 510 drill?  


What drills do you recommend for using with a JD 2955 tractor?  Will be for timothy into existing timothy fields.  Won't be a lot of acres so not looking for what big time operators would need, just something that would do a reasonably good job without a lot of aggravation.


Oh, and appreciate any general advice on no tilling grass into grass  (nothing involving row crops needed).






No Till Drill - Need Your Experienced Advice

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