Wrapping round bales

jeudi 2 janvier 2020

I'm researching opinions/thoughts on wrapping round bales of almost dry hay.


Here is my situation: in Michigan it seems the weather person(s) are not always very accurate.  They will say no rain for 3 days, you cut, ted and rake.  The day you finish raking (even though they weren't calling for rain when you went out to rake), here comes the rain clouds.  Hay is north of say 25-30% moisture yet, too high to effectively use juice/acid/crop saver (what ever you want to call it).  And there goes some of the feed value, as the liquid sunshine falls. :angry:


  • I'm wondering has anyone ever baled/wrapped hay at this moisture (20-35%)? 
  • Any tip/tricks that you would like to share?  Success or un-successful story(ies)?  
  • What is the longest you have waited to wrap (I'm a one man band, so following the baler is slightly out of the question)? 
  • Have you wrapped right after good rain (say 1" of liquid sunshine)?


Rational:  thinking of getting a single RB wrapper for this occasion, seems un-rained on hay would be better feed value for my cows IF (big little word) I can bale/wrap BEFORE it gets washed (one or more times).


I know that you can wrap 55-60% hay and it seems to make some really good cow food.  I'm more interested in 'saving' some feed value on hay that originally is targeted towards dry ss bales and the weather doesn't cooperate very well. 


I'm also aware of tube wrapping being cheaper, but I'm most likely going the individual wrapping method.  Big reason, I would not be feeding fast enough from a tube and some years I might only wrap 25-50 bales (hopefully none would be ideal ;)).


Got my eye on a wrapper, just need the knowledge on the process/experience. 


I have guys that do haylage (55-60%) in the area, but no one with experience of lower moisture hay (both tube and individual wrapped bales).  I really appreciate the knowledge/insight that the folks here on HT, it helps my decision making process immensely.





Wrapping round bales

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