How to handle square bale situation...

mercredi 3 septembre 2014

If you in my position, please tell me how you best spend your $12,000

We are going to hay our 40 acre fields (currently leased). All barns are centrally located on 100 acres. However, they are no not bale stacker wagon friendly (16' high)

Already equipped with New Holland 565 with kicker, discbine mower and kuhns rake and tedder. Already have tractor with loader and international 1066 for mowing and baling.

So, Option 1 is buying 4 kicker wagons used at 3,000 a piece

Or, Option 2 is buying a Kuhns accumulator and grapple for 12,000. I already have 2 24' deck over trailers for hay transporting.

I will be haying with my father. He will soon be retired and do all mowing and tedding and after work I plan to help finish up the raking while he starts the baling. I should usually be ableto get a 3rd guy to help us, but I hate counting on hired help. Where as I can always get my wife to drive truck and trailer thougout field for collecting grapple loads.

So, what would you do? Any other better ways of handling the hay?

How to handle square bale situation...

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