I may have just dealt with my last horse customer

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

I don't know what the hell is wrong with these people. Most of them are really inconsiderate and dumber than a fence post and the rest of them can't even write a check that won't bounce.

Last week one writes me a check for $800 and bounces it. I went back to her explaining the check bounced. My bank just mails me the check back but it takes 8 days. Meantime I wrote checks on that check. Then she writes me another check with the wrong company name on it. Are you kidding me?

Next genius calls me yesterday and we agree on a price for me to deliver 2 loads of round bales (30) to her this Saturday. I load the trailer tonight and strap it all down, then she texts me an hour ago and tells me she needs to wait 2-3 weeks. I'm like WTF kind of way is that to screw a farmer? At least have the balls to call me and tell me you're gonna waste my time and fuel to screw me.

Then there's the one who calls me Tuesday and we make a deal of $40/bale on 50 bales because he wanted "all natural" hay, which I actually do have 50 bales of. He asks me to call him tonight and I do. He tells me since we talked, he "found same size bales stored inside for $30/ each". I'm like, how does anyone produce and store 4x5 RBs inside for $30/ea.

All are horse people. Well, damn near all of em can kiss my sweaty ass. I can't take them anymore.

Cattle and mushroom people, yeah, they're OK. Horse people? He'll with em.

Sorry for rant. I'm pissed!!!

I may have just dealt with my last horse customer

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