Wheat/hay rotation

mardi 22 avril 2014

Been thinking a bit about the possibility of renting about 40-60 acres that are grown up in goldenrods and weeds and seeding winter wheat for three years or so then seed back with a clover timothy brome mix for 4-6+years then back to wheat. These fields are probably marginal at best as previous tenants took and never put back and Im not sure on drainage most likely poor. Soil is clay-clay loam just like what we have. They are on the next hill over and about three miles from the home farm.

My goal would be to sell the grain and straw from the wheat and sell all the hay off it. Not real familiar with growing wheat as its mostly used by larger dairy guys here for a cover crop and plowed in. Possible markets for it would be limited cause i have no storage so it would be sold off the combine in the field. Straw i could store till sold. I would also have to hire combining done. The guy we used to have do oats charged 30 an acre plus fuel. I prefer wheat as i can plant and harvest in a non busy time of the other crops that are more important. Plus with this ground i don't have to worry about it being too wet at planting and harvesting of the wheat. Also to diversify some more

As for hay i would only expect one cutting a year. Would sell off the wagon or bales out of the field if possible to reduce labor involved. If time and storage allows and in the event of a second cutting i could chop and feed my cows.

Just picking your guys minds and looking for more ways to bring additional income in

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