Educate me on carted wheel rakes

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

I have never run any rakes other than NH rolabar breaks with a hydraulic bridge hitch. It works but we are getting bigger every year and are going to need to get another set. I have some guys we buy from that just bought an H&S 12 wheel rake with the kicker wheel. Said he loves it. We bale roughly 30,000 bales and run two older NH balers. One with an 18 bale accumulator and one with a pan thrower. Would this be ok for size or should I consider stepping it down a little bit. I cannot justify $25k for rotary setup and I need to be able to take 2ton first cutting without overloading the balers. Also can you adjust the width of the windrows coming out the back? What if you need to flip the row over the following day? Is that feasible? I have lots more questions, but will start with the basics. TIA

Educate me on carted wheel rakes

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