Tire Sidewall Split

dimanche 19 octobre 2014

Happy day to all of you!

My wife was using the RTV Friday moving cattle. She sent a text stating that a tire was flat on the RTV. Turns out the right rear had a sidewall split on the OEM ATV style tire. So I loaded it up on my 25 ft dovetail flatbed trailer (yes the trailer was a little small for the load) and too it to the shop. Turns out that there is a non-identical split 180-degrees out from the split that leaked.

For the life of me I can not deduce how the two splits occurred accept for they happened at different times or they are a manufacturing flaw.

I'm open to suggestions from the forum members.

Tires still have a LOT of tread remaining after about 650 hrs. The RTV is used predominately in pasture; therefore, not a great deal of wear.

Ordered two rear tire replacements (OTR 440 Mag) to match the tread of the other tires. They will be here Monday.

May God continue to bless you!


Tire Sidewall Split

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