Sluggish Hay Sales?

lundi 7 décembre 2020

Anyone seeing sluggish hay sales, particularly in the small squares market? We are located in west central Illinois and comparing with last year at this time, our sales are down 70%. Our main market is small squares and most of our customers are horsey folk. We should have had a few semi loads of hay sold by now. We are selling some hay to the local customers but we haven't heard a lot from our big volume customers, like horse farms, stables and show barns. Are people procrastinating? Our prices are not far off from some of the hay auctions. Is it an economic effect or the virus? As I look outside the window there is still some green grass in the yard. We haven't seen any snow yet and that might have something to do with it too. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing a slow down in their sales or have any thoughts on this. My bosses say its because we haven't had any real Midwestern winter weather yet. We are supposed to get back up to the 50s later this week. 2020 has definitely been a challenging year on all fronts!

Sluggish Hay Sales?

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