Bobcat/ Hay handler hookup

mercredi 30 décembre 2020

I'm operating a Bobcat S750 I  purchased in the summer.  I used it with a log grapple in the summer and everything worked perfectly.  I recently purchased a new Steffens Hay handler grapple with a rotation feature.  The unit uses a spitter valve to power the rotation device.

The hydraulics operating the grapple hooks works great but when I hit the switch to rotate the load, it jerks as if it is going to move but stops. 

I've tested the electric hookup and have 12.5 volts to the splitter.  Steffens gave me a new splitter valve to try with the same results.  They also tested the unit on a different machine and it worked fine.

Apparently there is something about this Bobcat that is causing problems....... any thoughts, I'm about out of ideas and I have a barn full of hay to move.

Bobcat/ Hay handler hookup

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