Put the 1100 to work today

mercredi 25 mars 2015

My wife and I sprayed most of our 19 acres of pasture. We spot-sprayed the tons of thistles that are slowly taking over the whole pasture. I was slowly driving back and forth, while my wife squirted the thistles from the passenger's window. We left about 4 acres unsprayed. We were tired and mostly bored. Squirting them one at a time was quite a job. It was fun the first 750 times, but from then on it got old quickly... Some of the dang things were almost two feet tall. When there were flowers on them I noticed that there were many bees on them, so I first ran over the plants slowly to flush the bees out of them, and then went backwards and let my wife spray them. I hope we did not harm many bees. I don't think herbicides are that good for them. The bees here don't look like honeybees. They are smaller. Tomorrow we'll go and see if the thistles have wilted. I'm sure we've missed quite a few of the first-year plants. But I am planning on doing more spraying. I am going to buy another sprayer, though, so we can spray from both windows and do the job more quickly. The 1100 was working perfectly. The stickshift is getting much easier to operate. It used to be quite stiff. It was pretty hot outside, but with the air conditioner going full blast on the floor we were comfortable even with both windows open. I love my Kube!

Put the 1100 to work today

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