Right hand rakes?

lundi 23 mars 2015

Was thinking about upgrading my rake situation to one of those V tandem roller bar rake setups, New Holland(258&260) or John Deere(670&671). Would like to just get one rake this year and and the other one next year due to budget constraints. I really need a rake though this year since I've been using an ancient David Bradley that has seen better days. Obviously the right hand ones are harder to come by so I was wondering if I came across one of those this year maybe I should get that one and get the let hand one next year but can't find any information on using a right hand rake by itself. I think I know how to use one by itself but was wondering if anybody has any actual experience using a right hand rake by itself? I looked through a gazillion hay raking videos on youtube but didn't see a one right hand rake.

Right hand rakes?

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