Seeding/overseeing questions

mardi 24 mars 2015

I am wanting to seed bare areas left over from large compost piles and tractor ground damage created from loading manure.

I want to plant O-grass/Timothy mix seed. The ground is pretty roughed up, little growth above ground. I spread compost on bare areas. My plan is to spread seed, then use York rake to cover seed slightly with compost. Each field has a spot like this that's about 1/4-1/2 acre each.

1. Will this be adequate for new seeded areas?

Another idea along thos lines I'd like to discuss is overseeing the fields where fresh compost was just spread. My plan is to broadcast seed, then go over it lightly with 8' York rake to work it lightly into new compost top dressing.

2. Will this be adequate preparation to grow seed?

3. If I do this seeding this week (last week of March) will the seed have taken hold well enough to withstand a first cutting in 2 months (tractors, rakes, bakers) assuming adequate rainfall & warmth. Should be warming up in a few weeks.

4. Will it be able to withstand summer heat as long as it's not a bad drought?

Plan B would be to seed bare areas where compost was stored and oversees in fall. I know that's a better plan, but was wondering if anyone had success planting forage grasses in spring.

Seeding/overseeing questions

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