Market my hay as...?

mercredi 29 avril 2015

I have a new 20 acre field that I just seeded April 23rd.  Eventually I plan on turning it into pasture but this year will take a couple cuttings.

The seed mix is:

alfalfa:  20%

Festuolium:  20%

Bromegrass:  15

Perennial Rye:  10

Annual Rye:  10

Fescue Blend:  10

Timothy:  10

Birdsfoot Trefoil:  2.5

White Clover:  2.5


My question is what kind of hay am I going to have this first year?  I'm assuming the Rye will come up quickly, but not sure what else.  And should I market towards horse or cattle?

I have 3 stack wagons and a 24T, along with a NH 853 round baler.  With limited storage space I plan on trying to load up the stack wagons and sell it out of the field, and do whatever is left in rounds.



Market my hay as...?

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