Rotary rake choice dilema

mercredi 25 décembre 2019

I want to upgrade to a bigger (single rotor) rake, to speed up my raking.  Right now I have a smaller rotary 9-ish ft and want to step up to a 13.5 or 13.9 ft.  I make around 80 acres of mostly grass/alfalfa mix hay per year and it is a one man show.  I also have a day job. 


I am looking at new (AGCO (Massey/Hesston) and New Holland (ProRotor) and lightly used New Holland (ProRotor) and Kuhn (GA 4221), with the Kuhn being at the top end (actually a little beyond) of my budget.  I know that the Kuhn is probably the best rake, out of all of my choices.  But, are the others really that inferior? 


The "new", AGCO or NH are substantially less money, than the lightly used Kuhn. And "new" is new and theoretically (depending on actual dealer support) a warranty (insert dealer horror story here).  And of course, the lightly used rakes had absolutely the best of care, were always greased before and after each use and only ever raked a few acres on Sundays, by a little old lady, between the AM and PM services. 


I'm really torn here, my gut says buy the best, that I can afford, the Kuhn.  But my Dutch heritage says a brand new, name brand rake, for a couple of grand less makes the most sense financially.  I also want to "pull the trigger" before the end of the year.


Oh, also, I have bar rake and have used wheel rakes and they do not compare.  In this area, rotary's are the way to go, in my opinion.




Rotary rake choice dilema

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