Brome ID

dimanche 30 mai 2021

brome seedhead.jpg Brome-full plant.jpg


Are the attached pics meadow brome or smooth brome?  This field was a timothy stand that was overseeded with brome in fall 2015.  I looked back at my records but the type of brome and variety is not specified.  The timothy stand ultimately failed and it is now in orchard grass.  the field was treated with Gly before og plant so any brome there was killed.  The area of the pic is where the former property owner decided to plant three rows of pine trees down through the newly overseeded ground.  I wasn't paying any rent so not much damage.  However, the net result is that once the brome took hold, and went to seed, either 2016 or 2017, it has been triving with perhaps one weed whip trim a year.  It is thick as hair on a dogs back.  The leaves max out about 30-32" in length, the seedheads go to 42.


I am having issues getting the orchard grass to fill in the bare spots in this field so I thought I would mix brome into the og overseed mix this fall and see what happens.  It was beautiful and leafy when I cut this field 10 days ago.   If I am overseeding 12-15# og, how much brome should I use?  I am assuming about 10-15#.  I have a GP 10' no-till drill but orchard grass does not particularly like the small seeds box so I will probably just mix it in 5 gal buckets and use the big box.  Guessing the rate will be 20-25# with the mix.  Any thoughts?  

Brome ID

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