No-Till in fescue pasture?

samedi 8 mai 2021

most of my fields are nice and flat river bottoms so i till and plant them...


but i have one field that has a lot of fescue and native grasses in it that is attached to a existing hay field.........but this field takes a lot of water off the rocky hills and then spreads it out as it flattens to a existing hay field  (fan shaped) it has several water run of low areas in it i want to leave the sod to control erosion (its small 3-4 acres)


i am afraid to till it as it would probably wash out in heavy i am wondering about doing a burn down spray and then no-tilling seeding this fall brome/timothy/clover mix


my question is am i just fooling myself thinking i can no till seed in to dead fescue sod successfully after a burn down or a waste of energy?


i am open to thoughts and suggestions 

No-Till in fescue pasture?

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