Hook and Latch Irrigation Pipe Leaking at Connection

mercredi 27 mai 2015

I've had a set of 3" irrigation pipes that I mostly use to refill the pond, or to irrigate hay ground.  It always leaks at the connection points, which never is a big deal when doing hay ground.  But when I'm on dirt it is annoying to end up with a huge puddle at each connection.


I put all new rubbers in this year, now it leaks less, but still leaks.  I was hoping this would fix things a bit more than it did.


Asked a farmer who irrigates a lot of fruit trees and he shrugged and said, "They always leak."


Is this true?  Does hook and latch solid set irrigation pipe always leak a bit at the seal point?


If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it.

Hook and Latch Irrigation Pipe Leaking at Connection

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