Lump jaw bull

vendredi 29 mai 2020

I have a bull with a large lump under his jaw, because of him having a set of horns that are wider than I can reach across and him being somewhat unfriendly you do not see him very often. He has been on wheat pasture and should be slick and shiny. When I saw him he is poor and it looks like his tongue is sticking out too far and he is slobbering. I have not had any of these lump jaw cattle since I was a kid and it was always debris that caused an infection under their tongue. I mentioned this to a friend of mine in the same business he said it may be parasites to put ivermectin on him and it would take care of it. I remember having to lance the lumps and work the bs out of it which is a problem with this bull unless I use a pneumatic gun and tranquilize him. Is it a possibility that it is a parasite and if so will ivermectin take care of it or do I go ahead and knock him down and lance it?

Lump jaw bull

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