Pound of Gain?

dimanche 10 mai 2020

I have sold my last 2 groups of calves to different stocker operations. Sold by the lb. The first guy is relatively new, no pressure type young man, easy to deal with. Knows cattle.
The second guy is just starting out, know almost nothing. Bought some reclaimed land, fenced, cross fenced, built a nice barn and wants to raise stockers. I gave him a price and he accepted. I have known him for years and was fair.
I delivered the calves and saw some 6 wt. steers. He said he was growing them on contract, had 65 of them. He volunteered that he was getting 65 cents per pound of gain. Knock me over with a feather. I knew some were getting .50 - .55 cents. I told him not to buy another calf, raise them for others.
Is 65 cents the going rate now? I am in the wrong end of the cattle business.


Pound of Gain?

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