ATV Safety Tips - Dangerous for kids

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

I recently attended a course on general safety and tractor maintenance from Texas Ag Center in Harris County Texas.

My takeaways were as follows:

1. Whether farming and ranching is a full time occupation or weekend warrior, statistically agriculture is the most dangerous of occupations

2. As the speaker was talking about all the potential danger areas of agriculture, I started counting the times I had done exactly

what he was mentioning to where I almost ran out of fingers!

3. Slowing down would help prevent injuries

4. Letting friends and family know where you are working

5. Find the county plot number for your land therefore emergency vehicles can find your place

6. Pushing down on a auger can be dangerous

7. PTO shafts are dangerous. (Stop the PTO shaft before getting off the tractor)

8. Operating a shredder and jumping off a tractor while moving to avoid being stung by bees. Stop the tractor for your not going

to outrun the shredder.

9. Animals - why? Because we treat them as pets over treating them as animals! One of my longhorns took me down.

10. ATV's are extremely dangerous vehicles especially when operated by kids. The number one reason they are so dangerous

for kids is the ATF vehicle is power is not match for the age of the child. The safest move is not allowing a child or teen or

young operate an ATV! The statistics in the link below are eye opening...

Many many more ways to be injured out there! Please research ATV's and think twice about there use!

Be safe!


ATV Safety Tips - Dangerous for kids

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