Site Problem or is it me?

dimanche 25 janvier 2015

I seem to spend too much time looking at a dark screen with NetTractorTalk and and ad at the top of it, and nothing else. I wind up backed out to Chrome several times trying to read all the new posts each day when I come by. I am using Winders 7 Prof and then Chrome as my brouser. Thinking about upgrading to Linux and to heck with Bill and microsofty. I definitely aint goin' to Winders 8.anything. I have fairly good DSL and no problems anywhere else. I can click on a thread that shows to have new posts and may have to wait a little for it to appear then click on show first unread and it may appear or not, after everythin' is read backin' back out, to get to the next thread, is a real pain, may click on the refresh arrow a few times etc. It seems to get worse the longer I am here. Is there something I need to change in the Chrome settings? Winders 7? Still kinda new but this is getting aggrevatin.


Site Problem or is it me?

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