Well, my new-to-me Case 8840 has arrived, bringing with it a week of every-other-day rains and a long range forecast of similar weather. So, I'm left with time to read the manuals, and while I appreciate knowing what to lube and when, where the jack points are and the how much to torque the bolts, there are a few operating directives that are, shall we say, a bit lacking. The ones that have me currently scratching my head are:
- The manual points out that the header's shoes have 5 positions which allow me to set a stubble length from 2 - 5".
- The manual mentions that I can set a guard angle from 5 to 12 deg. and recommends setting the guard angle to 11 deg, or slightly less if the field has a lot of gopher mounds.
The problem is - 5 positions does not match linearly to the range of 2" - 5" and there is no mention of how much less I should set the guard angle when encountering gopher mounds (I can set guard angle hydraulically from the cab).
So, any advice on where to set the shoes and how much less is "slightly less"?
Setting up an 8840
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