Overseeding Existing Stands

dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Ok, I did the major reseeding thing this year.  Overseeded everything I have except one field that is up for sale (does not belong to me).  I overseeded Timothy, overseeded multiple orchard grass fields, overseeded paddocks and seeded new OG in teff that did not get killed due to coop spraying error.


I used a Great Plains 10 foot nt drill, brand new (meaning all the springs work the same) that was clean as a whistle.  perfect seeding depth.


Generally I noted the less competition the better the stand-duh!  By explanation- paddocks in better shape, did not show robust rows of new seedlings, those overgrazed, great rows.  Now this by no means suggests that there are no improvements to the paddocks in better shape, it may just take longer to notice.


Same thing in the hay fields.  less competition, better rows.  Too much growth in the timothy field but I have seen new seedlings.  Will know next May.


Just wondering, anyone stunt their fields prior to re-seeding?

Overseeding Existing Stands

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