Cattle guys What can I expect to make?

vendredi 13 novembre 2015

Cattle guys:

Lets say I buy a farm with room for 25-35 head of cattle. I will supply my own hay for winter months. I have an excess of cattle hay each year that ends up going to mushroom, so that wont be a problem. 

So anyhow, whats my upfront cost for calves? Im hearing $2.50/lb so a 300lb black angus calf is $700/each. Sound right? 

So now the big parts: how long till ready for market? I hear 20mos. 

What can I expect for selling price fully grown? what is butchering cost? 

I dont even know how to sell it to!!


Help me and my wife figure out what we could make of 30 cattle, I supply hay and "labor". Thanks

Cattle guys What can I expect to make?

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