Who doesn't like rust?

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

Safe to say no one likes rust. I'm doing some PM on the skid loader and cleaning up the area by the pedals. Using some rust converter paint from Gemplers. Just wondering if anyone has experience with something similar.

So far just scraping and wire wheeling as far as cleanup goes. Spay bombed with a primer and color. Seems to cover nicely hope it doesn't smear off with the powerwasher.

Got to thinking: how much more beer you think would be in the fridge if money wasn't spent on replacing things the metal mites invaded? Man, is it road salt, poop, or just lack of wiping you feet before getting in...I swear metal that had poop on it even after a clean up and paint...just smells like a painted and baked cow pie. Lol.

Who doesn't like rust?

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