I can't see anything my NH1412 discbine is doing to stems

lundi 29 avril 2019

I have had this 1412 flail discbine for a couple of years now. I don't use it a lot. I use a regular disc mower most of the time. I even bought a dimpled hood sheet metal and I still can not see any conditioning to the stems of rye/fescue grass. Of course I have the hood adjusted as close to the flails as I can. I have 2 different design flails on the machine. I guess someone has replaced some of them with different styles. You can tell in the pics. the dimpled sheet metal on the hood is shiny right over where the cutterbar and disc blades meet. Is it working and do you see anything wrong?  

Attached Thumbnails

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I can't see anything my NH1412 discbine is doing to stems

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