Late April Spraying...

lundi 22 avril 2019

Had a field that I hadn’t got around to spraying until today - Timothy grass, and applied the generic of Weedmaster - Brash.

We’re probably 5-6 weeks out yet for cutting this field, which falls within the label’s 37 day preharvest interval.

I believe every broadleaf weed that could have sprouted was in this field. Hopefully this Brash will knock it down.

One of the issues we have using herbicide with no residuals is we only kill what we touch when spraying that day. So if I’m spraying in mid/late March, we still get weeds that grow in between first cutting. We’ve toyed with the idea of spraying twice to combat this.

Question is - how late do you spray? Right up to the label’s preharvest limit?

Maybe this late spraying is an effective way to get as many weeds as possible without using a residual herbicide or adding cost via spraying twice.




Late April Spraying...

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