Tedder ?’s

mardi 16 avril 2019

Thinking about adding a Tedder to help drying.Might be adding a lot of grass acres this yr so...
Anyhow run a 15’ mo/co and would want to cover 2 swaths.I can male the windrow from 3’-10’ So should I have a Tedder that covers the 30’ or could I get by with a 24-28’.
Just looked at a Krone video and it appears they have smaller rotors then a Vermeer TE series.
What’s typical field speeds,smooth and rough fields?
To me a lot of tedders look very light built so how well they hold up?
How well do they work in heavy hay say 3 ton acre?Just drive slower then?
How many acres per hr usually covering 2 swaths or 30’
Videos look like most are running 5-6 mph??

Tedder ?’s

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