Drydown issue?

vendredi 26 avril 2019

Been doing hay about 10 years now, just when I think I have things somewhat figured out, new issues arise.

I cut a couple of small "test" fields of fescue this past monday to test out a new to me Kuhn rotary rake and a new to me (but almost as old as me) stack wagon before we go whole hog into production on our orchard grass fields.

As stated, cut Monday with disc moco with impellers, tedded tuesday, raked late Wednesday. Weather could not have been better for drying Tuesday an Wednesday, high in the 80's, low humidity, sunny. Hay was not overly thick.

After raking Wednesday, the hay "felt" pretty much ready to bale.

So Thursday turned off overcast, a little cooler, and the humidity up a bit. My helper got in the field with the rake to flip the hay about 2:00 and i was about an hour behind him with the baler.

As soon as i got in the first windrow my moisture moniter alarmed, hay was at 22%, plugged the baler and broke a shear bolt.

Got out an felt the hay and it definately felt wetter than the previous day.

We kept flipping it over with the rake, managed to get a few spots baled that were dry enough but wound up leaving most of it in the field, could not get it dry enough. It is going to get rained on this morning.

I 've never had problems gettig hay to dry in 4 days with these conditions before, and I would almost swear that it gained moisture between raking Wednesday and Thursday.

Only thing that i have done different this year is apply liquid nitrogen about 30 days ago, this is the first year i have done that.

I'm baffled that we couldn't get this hay dry and worried about my ability to get my orchard grass dried down in the coming weeks. The liquid N and all the rain we have had has really kicked it off and it is the thickest/best looking grass i have ever had and I am worried about being able to get it dried down based on this weeks experence.

Any thoughts suggestions appreciated.


Drydown issue?

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