Cutting net wrap off baler rollers
Cutting net wrap off baler rollers
samedi 30 novembre 2019
Cutting net wrap off baler rollers
BR7060 Operators Manual
vendredi 29 novembre 2019
First I want to say thank you to everyone that shares their ideas and experiences on here. This is my first post but I have used this site to solve many problems in the past. I have purchased a new to me BR7060 round baler and am in need of an operators manual for it. I have found some on eBay but they are pricey. So is there a better place to buy one or should I just go ahead and pay the price? I know the manual is a must. Thanks in advance for your input
BR7060 Operators Manual
Great Plains No til drill help
Great Plains No til drill help
RTV x1100c Tranny Trouble
jeudi 28 novembre 2019
Took the HST apart and found one of the hst pump (valve block) plungers in bad shape. Replaced it with a new pump (valve block).
The motor valve block appeared to be in good shape.
Replaced both motor and pump valve plates with new ones.
Put things back together and it's no different than last time.
Put pressure gauge on charge pump and I'm getting 70psi that is in spec
Put pressure gauge on P1 travelling port and can only achieve 200psi.
Swapped the high pressure relief valve with another unit I have. No change.
Any tranny experts have an idea?
RTV x1100c Tranny Trouble
X900 Ramblings
The only problem, the muffler broke at the exhaust manifold, No problem, just put a straight out exhaust on it.
I did notice that the aluminum rear hubs are getting a little wobbly (bushings?) How much play before they need replacing?
BTW I tried to post a picture of speedo, I got this message:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
DUH what did I do wrong? never had a problem attaching pictures other forums.
X900 Ramblings
Plowing up orchard grass
mercredi 27 novembre 2019
Last year I had a rolling field that flooded too much to work and plant. I managed to broadcast an orchard grass/clover mix just to hold the soil. I kept it mowed till fall when it was dry, then chisel plowed and disked twice at right angles. The problem is how to get rid of the orchard grass clumps? Disking is just pushing them around. No way I can run my grain drill with these clumps in the way. I need a solution as my other two fields of orchard grass are pretty worn out and weedy and need to be replanted as well. I don't have any no-till equipment.
Plowing up orchard grass
Hoop Shed
Doing a little research on hoop buildings, wondering if I can get some input on do's and don'ts, like's and dislikes, even 'do overs' if you where putting up again.
Seems my new hay shed isn't as big enough for all my needs. I still have some RB outside, along with equipment.
I would have even more RB outside, if I would have kept more ss bales in inventory, to sell later this fall/winter.
I'm looking at something around 30' to 40' wide, 48'-60 long on a 'pony wall', with enclosed ends (14' x14' doors on each end, plus a person door on one end). Most likely a dirt (gravel/asphalt millings) floor, perhaps rat (wood chuck) walls, below the treated lumber, 4' (or 5') pony walls.
Maybe I will get a little drawing made up, so you can see orientation/location in regards to prevailing wind, other buildings, driveway location (not until next week, going North to close a buddy's cabin/deer hunt??/watch the U-Mich/Ohio-S game even with no female interruptions).
TIA, for thoughts/ideas/suggestions/manufactures/etc.
Hoop Shed
Help needed re Plough
Help needed re Plough
Telemetry moisture sensors
mardi 26 novembre 2019
Telemetry moisture sensors
X900 RTV Block Heater freeze plug location
Searched in the forum (and elsewhere) and can't find the answer. I have a new (2017 or 18) x900 that I am putting the Kubota block heater in. For the life of me I cannot find the freeze plug that I need to knock out to install. Our older RTV I did it was very obvious.
Anyone know which and where the plug is that needs to be taken out to install the heater??
Thanks in advance!
X900 RTV Block Heater freeze plug location
Anyone improve their 4790?
Still running a Hesston 4790. Good baler. However I'm unhappy with it's feeding in certain conditions. We dry bale a lot of tall triticale hay and it's painfully slow. Flake count is in the 80's-90's but if we push it we plug the head. It's like baling sticks. Over the years we've roughed up the packer fingers and auger flighting to help, it kinda does. We demo'd a Deere L341 and it fed perfectly. Totally different feed system, but it worked well in those conditions. We were looking at the newer Massey's to see if we could change anything to help. Anyone have any tricks to make these older balers feed in these conditions?
Anyone improve their 4790?
Caster Wheels- NH Round Baler Pickup
lundi 25 novembre 2019
I have a new to me BR7060 that I ran for the first time this year. I had another 7060 and a 740a in the past. This baler has the dual pickup wheels on the wide pickup. The pickup augers seam to be in good shape, and actaully thicker than by previous 7060 however I seam to plug the edges of the pickup fairly often. It seams the hay is caught when the pickup wheel runs over it, and that starts the jam at the auger. Has anyone put caster wheels from the newer roll belt series on a Br baler?? Does it help? It seams if I would get the pickup wheel out further in front of the baler it might help with jamming. I can get a set of the caster wheels for $300 off a newer baler...Thoughts???
Caster Wheels- NH Round Baler Pickup
Happy Thanksgiving
I'm grateful for the good in the USA and our good leaders... Thank You Lord for all things, Your guidance, and Your many blessings including my friends here .
Happy Thanksgiving
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Knotter knives. OK to sharpen? Or replace?
dimanche 24 novembre 2019
As the topic title says. Is it OK to resharpen knotter knives?
I have a 1990 John Deere small square baler that I've just got back into working order, but the cut twine ends are very ragged, which seems to indicate the knives are past their best. As I live on a small island with no access to a dealer, it would mean ordering knives online and hoping the seller is willing to post to me. I'm a time-served carpenter, so sharpening blades is not a black art to me, but would it alter the tolerances of the knotters if I did this?
Knotter knives. OK to sharpen? Or replace?
Thermostat stuck open
Thermostat stuck open
JD 530 Baler Part
samedi 23 novembre 2019
JD 530 Baler Part
New to this. New Brome Field
I planted brome about 6 weeks ago. No ground moisture. In the last week a little rain and snow. It is getting below freezing at night and is supposed to be in the high 40's to low 50's for the next couple of weeks. Will I have any germination problems ? Or is all going to be fine. Thanks
New to this. New Brome Field
Thee Up
vendredi 22 novembre 2019
The Fall to Spring Fling this time will be a Record Up.
The expected calf crop the past 1.5 years , is 2+% Over Stated.
Been Record high numbers of heifers in the weekly fed harvest. In the 36.5% range... Normal BTW is 32%.
And record non fed harvest weekly too. IE...slaughter Cow numbers are high.
And ASF has forced countries to shift to beef because hogs keep dieing.
I Expect USA fat cattle in the 152cwt to $167cwt live price range by May of 2020.
We'll See.
Don't forget to mark em out.
Thee Up
Another update--the stalk roller, a year later.
Last year I posted a picture of the roller I built to roll cornstalks before raking them. It has been in use for a year now and covered quite a few acres. So for it has been a success. I do not want to go back to raking un rolled stalks. We tried something different this fall and used just the roller on recently harvested earlage stalks to try to speed up the dry down. I’m not sure how much that dry down was improved, but I got really positive comments from another custom operator whose field I rolled, them he raked it himself. He was very pleased with how much easier the stalks rake up after they are rolled. Pictures are from this spring when I baled some stalks.
I was hoping to build an entirely new roller for this fall, that did not happen. I had to add some reinforcement to the wing hinges as I found they could not handle the force of the wing folding cylinders forcing the wings down rather than lifting them up.
Another update--the stalk roller, a year later.
Open Cows
I was thinking what I was going to do with the open cows after I preg check on Tuesday. What do you guys think about putting the open cows back on the bulls, and then taking them to the sale barn about the middle of February. Where I have my bulls there would be plenty of grass, unless we get a lot of snow, may have to feed some. I was thinking they are worth more as a bred cow. There a few guys around here that do calve in the fall, one of my neighbors is one.
What is your thoughts?
Open Cows
Round bale feeder
jeudi 21 novembre 2019
Round bale feeder
John Deere 730 or 830 moco
Hello all
I'm looking at buying a JD 730 or 830 moco with flail conditioner. I have 60 ac mostly fescue and Garrsion meadow foxtail hay. Heavy first cutting and much lighter 2nd. Around 2 ton to ac with some pushing 3 if I let it go too long on first cutting. About 120+ ton for the year.
My tractor is a low hour JD 5525, 75 pto hp. I have been using a 3 point 9 ft mower and it does allright unless its pretty heavy. Can mow about 3 mph.
I want to go to swing tounge and would like a conditioner. I live in SW where it is very dry. I have a hard time getting stems dry before leaves are too dry. This makes it difficult to round bale, except for a couple hr in the eve and an hour in the morning.
I feel like if I'm short of power I can change impeller speed and/or back off on amount of conditioning - and be no worse off than I am now. However I will have a swing tounge.
I realize with disc mower you can't have too much hp but my fields are small and I would like to get into doing some custom work on parcels that are to small for the big guys to want to fool with.
What does everyone think of this? Those of you who have these, am I to light on hp? Good machine?
This seems like a pretty easy mower to keep running, based on the manuals that I've paged through.
The $10,000 that they cost is about all I can justify, even with some outside work.
The only other machine I've considered is the New Idea 5209/MF 1359 mowers but they are side pull with rubber condidtioners, and are about same price.
Kuhn and Kubotas are around that too or more.
JD is my closest and best service dept. NH not very good service dept. All others 3+ hours away.
Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome!!!!
John Deere 730 or 830 moco
Sold a few calves
Ran 18 head of calves to market Saturday (special feeder sale). Got the top price for colored steers of $1.31 a pound (not a home run by far). Heifers got the top also a $1.25. They weighted around 325-375# each. The past Monday's auction the best price on 3's was $1.05 a pound. I'm glad I didn't keep them longer, the best 4's and 5's where under a dollar a pound ($0.60 to $0.98) Saturday, ugh, (up from Monday though). Holsteins were naturally even worse ($0.05 to $0.65). Hope, the person with the 5 center, didn't have to pay for trucking.
Sold a few calves
Subsoiling hay ground
Subsoiling hay ground
Need a new to me Pasture harrow
mardi 19 novembre 2019
I have started a search for a pasture harrow, any recommendations would be appreciated?
Need a new to me Pasture harrow
JD 530 Bale Trak monitor
JD 530 Bale Trak monitor
John Deere 359 conventional baler. Advice needed.
Hi All. I'm new here but have lurked on here on and off for a few years. I've been making hay over the last 5 years for myself, my neighbour and I sell some to other horse and goat keepers to recoup my costs. Up to now, I've just done the cutting, turning and rowing-up. The baling was then done by a contractor I know. It was always on the cards that I'd eventually get a baler and one came up, very cheaply, that was sitting unused and surplus to requirements at a local dairy farm, so I bought it, along with a nearly-new haybob to replace my old and knackered Deutz-Fahr machine.
As the thread title says, it is a JD 359, 1990 and hasn't done a lot of work. It was stood idle for 3 years, under cover but not fully protected from the elements. The knotter compartment lid had been left up and the chickens, seagulls etc have used the knotters as a lavatory.
So far, I've cleaned off most of the chicken guano, removed the bale and 3 quarters of straw that was in the chute, freed off the pickup lifter/adjuster, freed off the stop lever that the needle dog stops against and got the plunger to move manually through most of its travel by manually turning the flywheel. I've returned the needles to the home position and the star wheel quadrant is against its stop.
Despite being able to move the flywheel by hand, there is a point, when the plunger knife is about 3 inches or so from the fixed knife, where the plunger sticks badly and it takes quite a bit of effort in "bumping" the flywheel to get it past that spot on both the forward and backward strokes. So, I'm in two minds whether to risk putting the tractor on it and carefully try running it at idle to try and clear the sticky spot, or to try removing the plunger and somehow crawl in there with a wire wheel and try to buff it out. Advice on how to proceed would be much appreciated.
Once I've got the plunger sorted, I imagine I'll need to at least change the twine knives and wipers on the knotters. I have an operation and basic lubes and maintenance/adjustment manual but it is a bit light on technical detail. Apart from greasing everything that has a grease nipple and finding some oil/grease for the multi-luber, should I dab anything on the plunger guides?
Is there anything else I should be doing to make sure it is in fit state to reliably bale up my next summer's crop?
John Deere 359 conventional baler. Advice needed.
Inline square balers
lundi 18 novembre 2019
Inline square balers
Round to Square ?
Thinking of going from round bales to large square . Completely new thing to me . My questions are , Am I crazy ? What size of bale is the in thing now ? And my most pressing question is what is the cost per bale for production of said bale . I don't sell a huge amount of hay but it would be easier to ship . I do feed most of my hay which I like to put in the shed , thinking you can put a lot more square pegs in a space then round ones . I realize the cost difference in machines but not sure on twine and other consumables . I know what it takes to make a round bale . what about a big square ?
Round to Square ?
JD 328 baler
dimanche 17 novembre 2019
Hi all im trying to get the auger from JD 328 baler, i just run it to a little problem , there is a bushing on the sprocket end that im having trouble taking it out it seems to be stuck to the shaft ,any help is appreciated thank you.
JD 328 baler
Cat 1 wood chipper for my Mitsubishi
Cat 1 wood chipper for my Mitsubishi
BC5050 users manual
Hi guys,
first time posting here. My name is Ricardo and I run a small brahman seedstock operation in Colombia. Recently I endedup picking up a slightly used tractor (NH TT75) and a small square baler (NH BC5050).
Anyway, the thing is I haven't been able to find a good operator's manual for the BC5050 and hopefully a good shop manual that lets me troubleshoot the thing if I end up having isuues with it. I want to understand how the darn thing works so that I can be ready to adress those issues in the field without having to resort to the dealership mechanics.
Thanks in advance for your help,
BC5050 users manual
2014 NH H7230
Does anyone have any of the good, bad, and the ugly on the H7230? I found one down the road, one owner, cut 150 acres a year for 14k. Looked on the internet but the prices are all over the place and not much information on the 2014 model. Do I grab it and run or just run?
2014 NH H7230
Tedder Tine Keeps
vendredi 15 novembre 2019
A while back someone ask me to post pictures of the tine keepers I use on my tedder. Finally remembered to take my phone, take some pictures, of the tedder, and of the keepers, when I was by the tedder. I guess remembering four things taxed my brain a little too much, so I apologize for the tardiness.
As you can see, they are made from a 2" tow strap cut into lengths about 3" longer than the outside distance between the tines, wrapped in a piece of tin cut 2" wide and long enough to wrap around the strap at the tine. The tine acts like a combination washer and protector.
Tedder Tine Keeps
NSC Hay?
NSC = nonstructural sugar content
Basically, low carb hay. Gotta admit, until 6 months ago, I'd never heard of it until a guy who bought some hay from me asked for it.
Target audience is a handful of folks with horses that have metabolic issues that cause them (horses.....not owners) to get fat, get lame, and a few other maladies.
Is anyone growing for that market? The magic bullet hay seems to be Teff, plus hard to believe.......alfalfa.
But it seems to me there are a couple other things a guy could cut hay at dawn when sugar content for the day is at it's lowest......or cut the hay well past maturity.........when the carbs and starches have become tied up as lignin.
Any other ideas?
NSC Hay?
mercredi 13 novembre 2019
I interested in Mf399 2wd in England.
Is there any good suggestion?
Grain Cart Tires.
This is more a curosity killed the cat thing as there are none within a hundred miles of me---why are the ones with bar lug tires put on backward? I know there is a reason, i just don't have a clue what it is.
Thanks T.J.
Grain Cart Tires.
killing canary reed grass
got a 40 acres field that sits very wet for us. Have the thought of planting it to canary reed grass. I have other fields with canary reed grass and have been happy, my concern is killing this field off in 7-8 years to put back into crop rotation. Has anyone out there had good or bad luck ridding a field of CR to put back into crops?
killing canary reed grass
Rabbit brush
Rabbit brush
cornstalks with no cutting
we broke our flail chopper within the first five minutes of use thie year. Decided to raise the chopper on the combine and just bale behind it. was pretty happy with the quality of the bales when we were done. Had a couple of issues of the standing stalks getting caught up in the pickup on the baler, not sure if this is common practice out there or if anyone has concerns or suggestions on the standing cornstalks
cornstalks with no cutting
2020 Vermeer or new holland roll belt
mardi 12 novembre 2019
this will be my first post/question but I have been reading forums on here for awhile. looking for advice on the new 2020 Vermeer 604 pro G3 balers when compared to the new holland roll belt 460. I have run nothing but NH on my farm but was impressed by the Vermeer Machine at the farm show. I run a crop cutter and bale 60-70% of our hay wet. last two NH balers have been pretty worn out after 12-13k bale count. I realize that Vermeer's baler is a new design as they no longer are partnered with Lely. Just curious if anyone out there has looked the machine over or had any thoughts
2020 Vermeer or new holland roll belt
Lost lug nuts
lundi 11 novembre 2019
Then I hear a clicking noise. WTH. Turn off engine and coast down a long hill, sure nuff, still hear clicking noise. Raise bed check around the wheels and axle can't find anything out of place. No stick stuck. Nothing. By now we were about 15 miles from home. Head back towards home, clicking gets worse. WTH. Drive a mile or two and then pull off ..something just ain't right.
Then notice a wheel is about ready to fall off. One lug is holding it on and it's wobbling back and forth as we drive. Crap. Easy fix, take a lug off one of the other wheels. All I needed was a lug wrench. Guess who does not have a lug wrench with them. Yep, me. So off we go limping down this back road hoping a car or truck comes by. No such luck. Limp down a back road that crosses 3 creeks. So far so good. Then we come to the only house on the road. A truck was coming from the other direction as I was asking a lady for a lug wrench. She said she had no clue but Tom here should be able to help. Sure nuff, he could. Man. Moral of story, carry tools and jack even on short trips close to home. With no phone signal and no jack if that wheel had come off we were in for a long long walk and the side by side would be left blocking a road, no way to go around as it's a one lane road as it is. I feel lucky to have made it to where Tom was with the right lug wrench.
Lost lug nuts
How to give up a farm without giving up an opportunity.
To make a long story short I've decided to give up a 12 acre farm I've been making hay on for 4 years or so.
The reasons for letting it go are work schedule has increased enough that it's tough to make hay, it's rough ground, I don't need the hay anymore, it's not real close to home and my help (90 year old grandpa) is getting worn. The owners are good people, never charged me a dime and I feel I am leaving the farm in better shape than it was when I started.
My problem is that I tend a few farms near there in row crops and I'd like to expand my row crop operation if possible in the future. Word travels fast and I don't want to hurt the owners feelings by giving the farm up or lose an opportunity at some crop land a half mile up the road because the rumor gets out that I'm cutting back. Landowners talk around here and I want to have a good reputation when my name comes up.
Basically I don't want to burn any bridges because I might have to go back across them one day down the road.
Any ideas to let go of the land without losing an opportunity later on?
How to give up a farm without giving up an opportunity.
2019 season wrap up
Yes, me again.
Last year I posted an article (including comments from some of you) regarding how the 2018 hay season had gone. It was one of our most-read articles for the year (Progressive Forage). Mind if I ask you a couple questions about this hay season, to use in another article? Let me know here IF YOU DO NOT want it used. I'll respect that.
1. Several seasons of difficult weather have some producers talking about not planting alfalfa anymore. If you grow alfalfa, are you planning to continue? If not, why not?
2. What changes will you make to your operation based on this year's haying experiences?
3. Will your hay acreage next year increase, decrease or stay the same?
And you know, any other old thing you want to share. But keep it clean ... or I just have to edit it out anyway.
Thank you for generous support.
2019 season wrap up
lower lignin alfalfa won't crimp?
Hey folks, I recently heard a producer say his lower lignin alfalfa wouldn't crimp but went through the rollers like a wet noodle. He was having a hard time drying it for baling. Anybody else seeing that? Is this a one-off thing (rollers not adjusted right?) or more common?
lower lignin alfalfa won't crimp?
Have a Blessed Veteran's Day
I had said several months ago that I would tell the short story of a WWII POW I knew that went thru a german prison camp . He parachuted out of his plane with a few other men after being shot down. They were shortly captured. As one of the german soldiers marched them to the camp. He (the german) asked Hunter if he would like a piece of bread. Hunter said no defiantly. That was the last time he wasn't hungry. At the prison camp he had his US jumpsuit as clothing from the cold. He also had a package of "smokes" in the pocket. Oddly , the soldiers wouldn't take the cigarettes but instead seized his jump suit to get the "smokes." that was the last time he was warm during the stay. I don't know what he had to wear after that. Once during the "stay" a mule had been shot during an air raid near the camp. Even the guards were hungry so they all had meat for a little while. Thats the story he told us and it was also on local tv before he passed away. about 10 years ago.
Thank each of you for your service ! I respect each of you.
Have a Blessed Veteran's Day
Bottom Bales
My question is, in as much as we are hand stacking in the first place, rather than sell these bottom bales, what’s the harm in using them year over year for essentially a barn floor - stacking on top of them?
Bottom Bales
RTV 900 Engine Removal
dimanche 10 novembre 2019
RTV 900 Engine Removal
Twin rotary rake side delivery
Twin rotary rake side delivery
14”x21” chamber kits
What about Freeman’s or MF 1843?
14”x21” chamber kits
Preg Testing
I am planning preg testing my cows next week. Was wondering how many others preg test their cow?
Preg Testing
Rtv 900. Won’t start
samedi 9 novembre 2019
I’m about out of options at this point.
Suggestions please.
Rtv 900. Won’t start
Cost of ownership
vendredi 8 novembre 2019
I'm looking at trading my discbine (NH 7220) for a larger one and I am looking at the 'cost of ownership' besides the normal wear/tear, lubing, etc.
In my case, this discbine cost me just a hair over $4 per acre, whereas my previous haybine (NH 1465), cost me just a little more than $3 per acre. BTW, I expected the number to be a little higher, being the price of the machine was about 1/2 more.
How I arrived at these numbers: is price I paid when I bought it minus price I get when selling it divided by total acres cut.
Besides the price difference of the previous machines (about 50% more for the 7220, than I paid for the 1465), the 1465 was ran over about the same acres (but more years, to get there, I'm thinking this also was an influence on the cost per acre of ownership).
What I am wondering is am I in the minority in doing this?
And am I keeping this close of an eye on the numbers for no good reason?
For my hay production expenses I use my local Ag U's numbers (custom pricing), I just like to make sure that I'm operating at a profit. I use $14 an acre for cutting, as an example (posted custom rates $11 to $19).
TIA, for thoughts, comments or ideas.
Cost of ownership
Brillion Sure Stand
jeudi 7 novembre 2019
Thinking of picking up a used 8 foot 3 pt sure stand. Planning on it complementing the GP NT or I may sell my interest in that. Selling my tillage equipment including my roller harrow so need something smaller for touch up jobs etc.
I don't know the year of this thing but it looks like it is in decent shape but it is the old decal pattern. any problem getting parts for these birds? Thanks. rick
Brillion Sure Stand
530 jd round baler 60 heavy chain idler
mercredi 6 novembre 2019
Trying to finish the klein grass hay today 530 makes a different noise, stop, open the left side door and the solid idler that is about eye level is gone. I backtrack and find the two pieces 15 or 20 feet behind the baler. Anybody ever had this happen to them and if so what was your idler made out of? Thanks in advance.
530 jd round baler 60 heavy chain idler
Claas vs Pottinger Triple MoCo
lundi 4 novembre 2019
Anyone been around a Claas and/or Pottinger triple mower with roller conditioners? We have been intrigued by them for a few years but there is nothing of the sort in this area.
We like the look of the Claas 1100 due to the 35' cut width and 12' heads but from what we have researched, we have found nothing but praise for the Pottinger's durable cutterbar.
Not sure that I like the cogged belt drive for the conditioners on the Pottinger...
Any experience and opinions between the two brands?
Claas vs Pottinger Triple MoCo
Shedding square balers?
For as long as I can remember, which is well over 50 years, the unbreakable rule was that small square balers are not supposed to get wet. Belief was the knotters, bale chamber bearings, slides, etc would rust up and you would have problems galore.
We had a JD 336 from new until my folks retired about 15 years later, and to my knowledge, while under our stewardship, that baler never got wet once. Always shedded. If left out in the field overnight, it was always tarped. No exceptions.
But these days, I'm seeing guys routinely leave their balers out. Last year, guy who bales the lands next to me left his really nice JD 348 out for weeks.......with bale chamber full of hay.......and it took at least 4 inches of rain while sitting there.
Were we right or was that a myth?
Shedding square balers?
Moss under steel
dimanche 3 novembre 2019
I have shingled roof on heated building that has moss growing on it. I cleaned it off and sprayed but it's coming back. Thinking of putting a steel roof on using purlins over the shingles. Will the moss be a problem?
Moss under steel
Boomless Sprayer for Hayfields - Anyone Use One?
On our hayfields, they are rolling and there are a few bumps here and there, including the occasional ground hog hole. Bumps make the booms on my current sprayer jar around and the rolley, uneven ground that comes with a mountain farm causes from time to time one boom higher on one side and pitched lower on the other - giving an uneven spray.
Question is - Anyone using a boomless sprayer to apply broadleaf herbicides on their hayfields? If so, can you share your experiences with them.
Boomless Sprayer for Hayfields - Anyone Use One?
Most important' 116-year-old tractor sold for record $425,000
vendredi 1 novembre 2019
By Mark Cardwell | SWNS
The "most important tractor ever to come to auction in the U.K." which was made over a century ago has sold for a record-breaking £328,000 ($425,000).
The 1903 Ivel Agricultural Motor is hailed as being one of the greatest British inventions and only eight examples of the iconic farming machine are thought to exist worldwide. It was the brainchild of visionary inventor Dan Albone and was the first commercially viable British tractor and the first to go into volume production.
The 1903 model - number 131 - is said to be the best known of the surviving machines having been on display at the National Tractor and Farm Museum in Northumberland. The rare 24 hp vehicle came available for sale after its owner, John Moffitt, a vintage tractor collector, passed away in 2008. It went under the hammer at Cheffins' Vintage Sale at Sutton, near Ely, Cambs., on October 19 with a guide price of £200,000 ($260,000).
But it smashed its estimate to fetch a total of £328,600 after tractor collectors and enthusiasts from all over the U.K., Ireland and Europe flocked to the sale. The winning bidder wishes to remain anonymous, but auctioneers said the vehicle would “remain in the UK”.
The previous record price of £94,500 ($120,000) for a classic or vintage tractor was surpassed a further two times during the auction.
A 1982 County 1884, described as “the holy grail for many collectors of classic tractors”, sold for £139,920 ($180,000), while a 1980 County 1474 fetched £99,640 ($130,000).
Bill King, chairman of Cheffins who conducted the sale, said: “This was one of the strongest collections of tractors we have ever cataloged and we saw exceptional trade.
“To break the previous auction record for a vintage or classic tractor three times on the day is remarkable. The undoubted highlight was obviously the Ivel. It was a huge privilege for all of us at Cheffins to offer this once in a lifetime opportunity to buy such an iconic and famous tractor and we are delighted to achieve such a deserving figure. The price exceeded our pre-sale estimate and there was a tremendous buzz and anticipation during the sale.”
The history of the Ivel is detailed in a book written by his previous owner John Moffitt, who is a cattle breeder, agricultural entrepreneur and vintage tractor collector. The research for the book found that the model sold at auction was used and exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Show in London in 1903. In 1970, Moffitt acquired the Ivel from Derek Hackett of Ross on Wye, Herefordshire, a firm friend through their shared interest in early machinery. It has appeared in the National Tractor & Farm Museum, the Beamish Museum and been exhibited at various events over the years.
To celebrate the Ivel’s centenary in 2003, Mr. Moffitt embarked on a 100-mile charity drive on the Ivel around the country which raised £120,142 ($155,000) for charity. Following Mr. Moffitt's death in 2008, the Ivel has been exhibited at various events and featured in various publications.
Four of the eight Ivels, which were built in Biggleswade, Beds., are currently in museums.
Most important' 116-year-old tractor sold for record $425,000
Bales come off second table
Bales come off second table
Making small squares from cornstalk rounds
I am looking to re-bale some cornstalk rounds (big 6' bales) into small squares for bedding as I didn't get much second cut hay and am also looking to branch out more into stalks/straw also. I plan to roll out the bales and rake out into 2-3 windrows and try to bale again. I don't think baling half of the rolled out bale is going to work well and planned to also get some fluff from raking (with a side delivery rake) and a better windrow.
I am also looking to get some straw rounds and try it as well.
What is the market for small squares of straw or stalks?
Making small squares from cornstalk rounds