Boomless Sprayer for Hayfields - Anyone Use One?

dimanche 3 novembre 2019

One of the things on the list to do next year is replace or rebuild our sprayer. We need larger tank and from there the debate is use booms or a boomless sprayer. My brother has a boomless sprayer he uses on a clear cut we have at the farm to keep autumn olives from taking over as it is not practical to use a boom sprayer in those areas given the bounce and jarring of the tractor and a 3pt mounted sprayer.

On our hayfields, they are rolling and there are a few bumps here and there, including the occasional ground hog hole. Bumps make the booms on my current sprayer jar around and the rolley, uneven ground that comes with a mountain farm causes from time to time one boom higher on one side and pitched lower on the other - giving an uneven spray.

Question is - Anyone using a boomless sprayer to apply broadleaf herbicides on their hayfields? If so, can you share your experiences with them.


Boomless Sprayer for Hayfields - Anyone Use One?

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