Doing a little research on hoop buildings, wondering if I can get some input on do's and don'ts, like's and dislikes, even 'do overs' if you where putting up again.
Seems my new hay shed isn't as big enough for all my needs. I still have some RB outside, along with equipment.
I would have even more RB outside, if I would have kept more ss bales in inventory, to sell later this fall/winter.
I'm looking at something around 30' to 40' wide, 48'-60 long on a 'pony wall', with enclosed ends (14' x14' doors on each end, plus a person door on one end). Most likely a dirt (gravel/asphalt millings) floor, perhaps rat (wood chuck) walls, below the treated lumber, 4' (or 5') pony walls.
Maybe I will get a little drawing made up, so you can see orientation/location in regards to prevailing wind, other buildings, driveway location (not until next week, going North to close a buddy's cabin/deer hunt??/watch the U-Mich/Ohio-S game even with no female interruptions).
TIA, for thoughts/ideas/suggestions/manufactures/etc.
Hoop Shed
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