Cost of ownership

vendredi 8 novembre 2019

I'm looking at trading my discbine (NH 7220) for a larger one and I am looking at the 'cost of ownership' besides the normal wear/tear, lubing, etc.


In my case, this discbine cost me just a hair over $4 per acre, whereas my previous haybine (NH 1465), cost me just a little more than $3 per acre.  BTW, I expected the number to be a little higher, being the price of the machine was about 1/2 more.


How I arrived at these numbers: is price I paid when I bought it minus price I get when selling  it divided by total acres cut.


Besides the price difference of the previous machines (about 50% more for the 7220, than I paid for the 1465), the 1465 was ran over about the same acres (but more years, to get there, I'm thinking this also was an influence on the cost per acre of ownership).


What I am wondering is am I in the minority in doing this?


And am I keeping this close of an eye on the numbers for no good reason?


For my hay production expenses I use my local Ag U's numbers (custom pricing), I just like to make sure that I'm operating at a profit.  I use $14 an acre for cutting, as an example (posted custom rates $11 to $19).


TIA, for thoughts, comments or ideas.





Cost of ownership

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