How to give up a farm without giving up an opportunity.

lundi 11 novembre 2019

Hello all,
To make a long story short I've decided to give up a 12 acre farm I've been making hay on for 4 years or so.

The reasons for letting it go are work schedule has increased enough that it's tough to make hay, it's rough ground, I don't need the hay anymore, it's not real close to home and my help (90 year old grandpa) is getting worn. The owners are good people, never charged me a dime and I feel I am leaving the farm in better shape than it was when I started.

My problem is that I tend a few farms near there in row crops and I'd like to expand my row crop operation if possible in the future. Word travels fast and I don't want to hurt the owners feelings by giving the farm up or lose an opportunity at some crop land a half mile up the road because the rumor gets out that I'm cutting back. Landowners talk around here and I want to have a good reputation when my name comes up.

Basically I don't want to burn any bridges because I might have to go back across them one day down the road.

Any ideas to let go of the land without losing an opportunity later on?

How to give up a farm without giving up an opportunity.

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