Sold a few calves

jeudi 21 novembre 2019

Ran 18 head of calves to market Saturday (special feeder sale).  Got the top price for colored steers of $1.31 a pound (not a home run by far).  Heifers got the top also a $1.25.  They weighted around 325-375# each.  The past Monday's auction the best price on 3's was $1.05 a pound.  I'm glad I didn't keep them longer, the best 4's and 5's where under a dollar a pound ($0.60 to $0.98) Saturday, ugh, (up from Monday though). Holsteins were naturally even worse ($0.05 to $0.65).  Hope, the person with the 5 center, didn't have to pay for trucking. ;)



Sold a few calves

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