2019 season wrap up

lundi 11 novembre 2019

Yes, me again.

Last year I posted an article (including comments from some of you) regarding how the 2018 hay season had gone. It was one of our most-read articles for the year (Progressive Forage). Mind if I ask you a couple questions about this hay season, to use in another article? Let me know here IF YOU DO NOT want it used. I'll respect that.


1. Several seasons of difficult weather have some producers talking about not planting alfalfa anymore. If you grow alfalfa, are you planning to continue? If not, why not?

2. What changes will you make to your operation based on this year's haying experiences?

3. Will your hay acreage next year increase, decrease or stay the same?



And you know, any other old thing you want to share. But keep it clean ... or I just have to edit it out anyway. ;)


Thank you for generous support.


2019 season wrap up

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