Need good small wheel rake

lundi 4 mai 2020

Recommendations please- I have a 8 wheel carted V rake with kicker wheel.  It is an older sitrex rake and I really like the fact I can make a 20 ft pass.  Makes for fast raking compared to my 10 foot rotary rake.  BUT, in heavier hay (meaning definitely 1st cut and sometimes second cut) it plugs rather easily and balls up the hay.  Im pretty sure there are "newer" wheel rakes that are supposedly 'hi-capacity' and are designed to not have this problem of plugging up.  I am extremely budget conscious and can probably get $2500 from my current wheel rake and would prefer to come up with no more than $2000 to get another rake (translation- can I find a good rake for $4500 or less?).  The wheel rake works good for me.  I dont have rocks and other trash in my fields.  I do both squares and rounds so the rake must be able to make a 3ft or so windrow for the square baler.  My round baler is a 4 footer with gathering wheels. I am looking for a rake that covers some ground (20 or 22 feet max) like my current 8 wheeler and is not expensive like a dual spinner rotary rake would be.  I have seen on the internet the Kuhn speed rakes but dont know any one that has one to see if its what I am looking for.  They seem to be a little differently designed and look like they have a better flow of hay thru them.

Need good small wheel rake

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